Chapter 1

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Credits to my friend @ImCoolBonnie for the picture of the train- I think I wrote her user right?

Blood (?)


Tubbo was taking care of Ramón and Sunny because Fit had some important business apparently. Tubbo was deep in thought when Sunny came up to him.

"Pa? Can we run over to the factory? " (don't question it it's fun to run without parents) "Of course poppet just mind out for the trains! " he shouted at them as they ran. Tubbo apparently wasn't paying enough attention to where he was walking as he was now walking on the tracks without noticing.

And that's when a train came. Full speed. Tubbo was right in front of the factory, just realizing he was actually in front of the factory. The train crushed him. And then stopped. Making Tubbo stay under and make Sunny and Ramón witness blood. A lot.

There was blood all over the tracks as Ramón ran over to him, or his body.
"Sunny go inside the factory and don't come out to see this. Alright? I think dad Fit will be here soon.. " he said to Sunny as he tried to get Tubbo to the side of the factory from under the train.

Meanwhile Fit was panicking as he quickly teleported to Tubhaus only to see a panicking Ramón.

"Ramón?! What happened?! " Fit said, quickly rushing over. "I don't know, Dad" said Ramón, also panicking. Fit quickly took him to a hospital. (Do hospitals exist in QSMP? I'm kinda late in lore- Even if they don't we're just gonna pretend they do)

Ramón stayed with Sunny as Fit took Tubbo to the hospital. Sunny was panicky and confused because she didn't understand what was happening as Ramón comforted her.


Fit's POV:

When I got Tubbo to the hospital Pac and Phil came too. "What happened? " said Pac. "Apparently a train crushed him.. " I said, there was no way I could reassure them. One of their best friends got crushed and now in the hospital, breathing through a machine.

(I'm gonna try and use a different talking technique..)

"Where are the kids?! -Phil

"Oh they're just at Tubhaus, do we bring them over? " -Fit

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave them alone.. But what if they get scared? " -Pac

"I don't think Ramón will get scared more, since he saw Tubbo's bloody body and pulled him out from under the train but Sunny will probably panic." -Fit

"I'll go get them. We can't leave them alone. " -Phil

And just like that, Phil went to go and get the kids as me and Pac were just sitting in silence. It's weird. It's weird seeing the youngest person on this island get crushed by a train.

I can tell Pac is holding back tears. But I don't really think this is the right place to reassure him it'll be alright. I mean we are at the hospital. A hospital.

We sat there, waiting. Not waiting for anything. But still, waiting. And soon enough Phil arrived with Sunny and Ramón.

Now Ramón was hugging Sunny, while she cried and tried to get him to wake up. How innocent children can be.. It's sad. It hurts.


Sunny's POV:

Why? Why did it have to be my Pa? He is the best Pa I could ever wish for. What did he do to deserve this? I want him to wake up. Why can't he wake up?

"Pa! Please! " I cried out. Gosh I don't wanna be here. I wanna be home with my Pa. "Sunny.. It will be okay. I promise he'll wake up. " Ramón said trying to reassure me. "Yeah Sunny! Your Pa is very strong! He can get over this! He'll wake up in the blink of an eye! " uncle Phil said.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times. "I did blink! He isn't waking up! You lied! " I cried out. Why would he lie? I didn't think uncle Phil would ever lie..

"It's a phrase, Sunny. " uncle Phil said. Oh. Oh! So he techically didn't lie! Wait. Why am I talking to you? WAIT. ARE YOU IN MY BRAIN? DO YOU LIVE HERE? AS IN LIKE IN MY BRAIN?

No. Your just a voice in my head. I'm just acting paranoid. Just like how Pa used to act sometimes. Gosh is this how people who loose their parents feel? I don't like this. I just wish Pa could wake up.


Phil's POV:
(sorry for changing POV's so much!)

Why? What happened? Did he get distracted again? How did a train hit him? Or was it on purpose? No.. He wouldn't do this.. Right? I know things are rough on him but..

Anyways. I don't think it would be on purpose. He has a child, and if I know him enough; he wouldn't do it if he cares about Sunny. And he absolutely ADORES her. So I don't think so.

But it still worries you know? He's only 20. He isn't that young but he is still very young. I don't want him to die. I think I've known him for a pretty long while now. Even the other SMP. And if he's been through execution, I believe he can do this.

But he still has boy problems. Which probably makes him suffer. And I know he tried to drown himself before he got a child because of Fred. But I think he's a brave kid. He can survive this. I believe in him.

And me, Pac and Fit will be here with him the whole time. We'll be here for him. Always we will look out for him. But we still need to watch out.

He still tries his best, and we know it. But we don't know enough. I mean! Man built a giant hole to make the island safer and some people hate him for it! That's dumb as hell!

And he has multiple factories and doesn't even have a place to sleep! He built a train (?) just for his daughter to sleep in! And he has obvious bags under his eyes. Which is also concerning.




Is this man really okay as he says he is?


I just wrote my whole dream, head to toe. I hope it doesn't but I don't really want to get anyone who reads this hopes up because sometimes I forget to even open wattpad so this might get discontinued. Very sorry for that- but yeah, this is the first chapter!

Also I might come back and edit this a few times. Don't ask why- Autocorrect kills

1097 words

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