Chapter 4

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Lmao this is my dearest errored chapter for y'all. I fell asleep writing this and now it's lost as fuck. I'm gonna try to write it quickly on my way to school and at school, so it's probably going to be rushed. anyways.


Fit's POV:

I'm right next to a person who's playing with fire right now. He might burn himself, or he might blow out the flame. It's his choice. But he could be saved.

In the hospital bed, air forced into his lungs by an oxygen mask, a hear monitor which just showed that he was dead for an hour then he came back.

I don't know what's happening inside his head, but definitely not normal. I'm not trying to panic, but I'm like a concerned parent right now and Tubbo is a five year old playing with fire.

Or a three year old about to fall off on his head from a slide. But both of them are basically the same if you look from injury point.

I wonder how he's still alive? I mean he's clumsy and gets easily injured. Or is that because he's younger than everyone else? Hm..

I giggled, thinking about how he would tease and mess around with himself only if he were awake.

The sky is getting yellow-ish. The sun is rising. It's pretty. So pretty, like a  dandelion. Or a sunflower. Or pretty pain.

My eyes hurt. I'm tired. So tired.. I think I'm gonna sleep, but what if Tubbo wakes up? I think he can just wake me up..

I used my arms as a pillow and bringes my legs to my chest. So that I could also use my legs as a pillow. And then I closed my eyes and slept.


Tubbo's POV:

I woke up and saw Fit sleeping on one of the sofa kind of chairs. Yippie, second death this week ig.

I'm gonna take a picture of Fit with me holding the phone like a selfie, and write "He just a bit eepy" then send it to Pac. I think it would be funny!

Now, where's my phone- Oh, bedside table.

I took my phone and opened it. How's my battery still on 100? I thought before taking a selfie with Fit. I wrote "He just a bit eepy" under it and sent it to Pac.

What happens if I just send it to Phil too?

I sent it to them and after a few minutes they barged into the room, startling Fit and making him wake up.

"Hey guyyysss.. Good morning Fit! " I said, chuckling nervously, but a wide grin on my face.

"HOW CAN YOU SMILE LIKE THAT AFTER DODGING LITERAL DEATH 2 TIMES?! " Fit shouted, startling me. My smile fell down for 1 second because I was trying to process it. Then I remembered.

"Phil Phil Phil! Kristen says hi! " I said my smile back on my  face. And Phil looked shocked for one second before smiling and saying, "I would say " say hi to her for me" but wouldn't want you to meet death again" Phil said chuckling.

"Who's Kristen? " Pac asked, confused. "Uhm.. Someone I used to know! " Phil said nervously. I grinned. I don't know why but smiling feels really nice right now.

After a bit we all left the hohospital

We went to Phil's base because I needed to pick up Sunny. I knocked on the door and entered to see them all cuddled up sleeping. I let out a long 'awww' sound and quietly left.

"What happened? Where's Sunny? " Phil asked. I decided to play a prank on him. "There weren't there Phil! Come look! " I said as Phil rushed over and bashed inside.

The kids got startled and woke up all at once.

Phil let out a chuckled a bit as I was laughing so hard. The kids came outside and saw me dying from laughter and I wasnt prepared for a hug attack.

It felt nice tho. After a bit of talking I went to the factory with Sunny then I saw someone. A particular someone.


"FRED?! " I shouted and ran over with Sunny. But I saw someone. Cucurucho. Yippie? Now I need to put on an act. A serious one.

"What are you g-guys doing here? " I said, trying to get a serious face

"No. " Cucurucho said and then warped away with Fred. Oh. I guess serious business.

I stayed at home after that, Sunny was a bit sleepy since she was startled and woken up. And I wanted to be there when she woke up. So I just woreke a but on my factories.

I was starting to get upset and started to whine because one thing didn't work and oil kept drilling down, which got all over my face

I then heard a warping sound, which hurt my ears but I could move in this position and under the machine, or I would mess everything up.

I then heard a familiar greeting and sound. "OIIIIII- Tubbo? What are you doing? " Fit asked. He seemed to be in a situation between confused and concerned.

"What am i- oh! I'm just fixing this machine up because it keeps leaking oil. " I said pretty casually. "You should be resting. I'm going to stay here untill you finish then make you go the to bed. " Fit said.

"Why? " I simply said. "Because you have been to the hospital and almost died 2 times this week and you just got out? " Fit explained. I nodded and went back to fixing it.

After a bit I was done with fixing the machine. But I apparently had oil all over myself, and I realized that as Fit wiped my face with little towel.

"Where's your house? Or.. Bed? " Fit asked, and I nervously chuckled. "About that.. I.. Certainly don't own a house or bed. " I said. Fit placed a bed in the factory, and dragged me over as I let out a startled help.

"I don't wanna sleep. I'm not sleepy. " I said. I knew I was but I had too many ideas in my head to even think about sleep! "You need sleep Tubbo. Come on, it's your bedtime now. " Fit said as I looked at him confused.

"Who said I have a bedtime? When? " I asked. "Me, now. " Fit said chuckling under his breath as he helped me onto the bed. "I can get on here by myself you know? I'm not old! " I said as Fit let out a laugh.

"Oh but you are! You are in your twenties now Tubbo. Anyways, it's time for you to sleep. " Fit said as I groaned and closed my eyes and slept just like that. I then heard him sitting in the corner of the factory and playing on his phone.


Sorry it took a bit long since an error happened which made 900 words turn into 9. Anyways. This chapter is done too and I'm outta school! Yippieee!

1165 words

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