Chapter 8

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Idea from this art, because I took it from Pinterest sadly I do not know the artist. However, if you are the artist please reach out and do tell that if you are uncomfortable with your art being here, or if your okay with it.

Well.. Hello hi hey halo hola selam priviet (I don't think that's how I write it it's just Russian) my dear fellow beloved readers! I.. Uh.. I'm not dead, that's a thing. And! I didn't know I got this many views. Last I checked it was 300 hundred something something and sow it's 600 something something! WOAH! So.. Thank you all very much! And.. Yeah. Not dead and I know what to write without checking the previous chapter for some reason! Yeah! And.. Hopefully I still have the writing thingy brain cells in me. Because I don't think so. Whoo! Yippie! Now, proceed to read me say thank you in a bunch of languages I don't speak! And do speak! Yippie! Gracias, teşekkürler, obrigado, spasibo (translate is a lifestyle), köszönöm, gamsahabnida, salamat, kiitos, merci, efcharisto, danke. I don't know why I did that- but still!


Tubbo's POV: 

I think  I fell asleep on the train cause suddenly the train was shouting at me to wake up and get my ass up and leave the train because I arrived. Huh? Did I? (🤷‍♂️)
Don't remember trains being this fast. And they can't. I'm a train builder! I know things!

I got up from my seat and left the train and suddenly I was teleported to a place I don't remember, but seemed somewhere like spawn. There's a lot of messages in chat right now..

(+) Tubbo_

FitMC: TUBBO?! o////// bros back alive

pactw: o//////// guys tubbo came back from touching grass

oiBagi: YO??

And more like that. Where am I? Suddenly there was a very warping sound. Somebody teleported next to me. Oh god. I quickly took out my axe and backed up and it was just Fit who teleported, followed up by Pac. Thank dear god.

"Whoa! Hello to you too Tubbo. " Fit said. Pac was pretty confused because the moment I saw Fit I put my axe away. "Hello Tubbo! Did you finally touch grass? " Huh? What does he mean? Where am I? WHERE'S SUNNY?!

"Guys?! Where's Sunny?! Where am I?! " I said quickly, looking around. They looked at one another before looking back at me. Weirdly. Like.. I'm some sort of alien. Huh?

"Tubbo.. You good? Do you need some rest? Or did you just wake up? Are you sick? " Pac said. It was my turn to look at him weirdly. I don't think I'm sick. I didn't just wake up. Well technically yes I did but.. I'm not sleepy either. So I think I'm good.

"No? I'm totally fine. Where's Sunny? " I asked once again. "Tubbo, she's sleeping at your house..? As usual..? " Fit said. Wheres my house? Where am I? What's going on?

"Well.. Where am I..? Where's my home..? " I asked, feeling pretty confused. "At the server? " Pac said. "Well uhm.. I think I forgot.. So.. C-could you guys give me a tour..? " I asked, trying not to give away anything sus about how I didn't know where I was. They might kill me and think I'm an imposter.

"Uh.. Sure? " Fit said. We all started to walk around the server, going through places, like Tina's house, me and Foolish's house, Fit's house, Phil's house and et cetera..

"Why do I have money? What am I gonna do with that and how did I earn it..? " I said, kinda questioning. "Tubbo you okay? You earned the money, and you need it so you can buy things.. " Fit said, calmyly but suspicious. "Guys, can I be honest? " I asked. Kinda nervous. "Sure! " Pac said.

"I don't know where I am, how I came here, or how things work. I found a portal and then I just hopped on a train and then arrived here confused. This isn't the place I was before you guys came to me when I " logged on".. " I said, scratching the back of my head. Pac looked confused. Fit looked like he was solving the world's hardest puzzle.

Suddenly Fit's eyes widened and he looked at me once again. Then gently grabbed my shoulders. "I think I know what happened. " he said, sounding very very very sure of himself. I looked at him confused MYSELF. But he's old so he has more brain sooo..

"Tubbo I think you were in the old island, before you logged on, and you entered an unknown portal, that teleported you onto a train, if I heard right. And then that train brung you here! " Fit said. Huh? "I thought that was kinda obvious. " I said bluntly. Pac's eyes widened a bit and he let out an "ooooh! " like he understood something.

"I think he means your in the future, Tubbo! Welcome to 2024! " wait what. "I'M IN THE FUTURE?! 2024?! HUH?! " I said, starting to panic. Only a little bit tho. Only a little bit.. Only a little bit..? ONLY A LITTLE BIT.

"That explains everything! " Pac says, nodding as he stated this. I didn't know I was that obvious. Good thing they didn't kill me and thought I was an imposter. "How do I go back?! WHAT ABOUT SUNNY?!" I asked. I was panicking a lot now, WHAT WILL SUNNY DO?!

"Calm down Tubbo, we'll help! Although I don't know anything about time travel. " Fit said, sounding like this was something so regular. Basically sounding casual. HOW?! " HOW CAN I BE CALM FIT?! OH GOD I'M SO SCREWED, SUNNY WILL KILL ME. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! " I said as I started to walk panickingly in a straight line back and forth.

"It's okay! We'll figure this out! " Pac said. I let out a sigh. "I think we can just relax for the day, oh! Morning crew cuddles! " Pac said once again. It didn't sound so bad actually.. To relax a bit, let my guard down.

But I'm still screwed.


Fit quickly built the three of us a big but not so big corner where nobodies house was while Pac gave me a cold glass of water, that felt nice. We all went to the corner when Fit came up to me and Pac telling us that it's ready.

It was a nice corner to hangout. There was a blanket set on the floor with a lot of pillows too. It looks so cozy yet so simple. Fit laid in the middle, me to the left, where the wall was and Pac to the right where there was no wall. Good thing I was on the wall side, because Im kinda scared.

Of what?

I don't know

We were all comfortable, sleeping peacefully, the sun calling it a day and off it went and the moon came with the dark. Giving people and animals some space to relax and fall into a peaceful slumber. But the moon was energetic too, whe  it got bored of watching the earth, it would talk to the stars as the sun slept.



YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS DISCONTINUED DIDN'T YOU?! HAH! NO I'M NOT DEAD! I started this in 16th of March and now it's 1 April. So it's been a month, nearly. I kinda forgot about wattpad.. So... No this isn't going to be discontinued, author just talks to AO3 when bored of reading wattpad.

Also guys, I lovey out all, take a day to relax, and always remember to take a break!

And also reach for help if needed! Please, do not harm yourself, you are special in St least 5 people's eyes. And if it's only 5 people, mice it up to 6, and count me in, alright? Every live matters. Everyone matters. Don't blame yourself. Not everything g is your fault.

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