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We were upstairs waiting and then we hear Nellie start barking so that must mean he's here I hear mum open the front door and invite him in. Now she's leading him up the stairs so we turn the light off and get in positions. 3..2..1! "SURPRISE!" We all yell at the same time and both Charlie and mum jump in shock mum jumps cause she didn't expect us to be that loud and Charlie jumps in pure shock he stands there in shock for a moment before a huge grin takes over his face and he runs and jumps into my arms kissing me like there's no tomorrow...
Nick pov
It's finally summer and me and a few friends from uni were all packed into my small car headed to Kent because we wanted to hang out this summer and I was gonna surprise Charlie and the gang, but first I wanted to go see my mum and Nellie so that's where we were headed mums already met all of my uni friends so when I asked if it was ok if they came down with me she didn't have a problem with it.

-An hour later-
We were about an hour away from my house now and they were screaming Taylor swift songs in my ear while I was driving but I'm used to it by now so it doesn't really bother me. Charlie and then really got me hooked on to Taylor swift so I know most of the songs and can sing them by heart.

"Niiiiick sing with usss!" My roommate Violette said in a sing song voice "Not right now Vi, I'm driving" I said and she started pouting "Pleeeaaseeee Nick?" She says giving me puppy dog eyes little does she know only Charlie's and Oliver's puppy eyes work on me. "No Vi maybe when we get to my house we can invite Charlie and he can sing songs with you instead?" Her eyes lit up like Christmas and she excitedly nodded her head while the rest of them agreed.

-20 minutes later-
We finally arrived at my mums house and Vernon and Alanna are in the back sleep so Violette and René are waking them up. I knocked on my mums door and she comes out to give us all a big hug and invited us inside so that we could get settled in. Since David moved out we now have three rooms open my room, David's old room, and the guest bedroom so I let them choose between the guest and David's and who's sleeping where because me and Charlie are gonna share my room.

Speaking of Charlie he doesn't know that we are here so I asked mom to call him and invite him over like she needs help with something and then we are gonna surprise him. While she's calling him I'm gonna hide my car a little down the street so he doesn't see it and the surprise gets ruined.

After I hide my car me and the others go and hide in my room. I told mum to pretend like she needed help looking for something in my room and then we were gonna jump out and surprise him. He's probably gonna have a heart attack and kill me after this but it's worth it.

We were upstairs waiting and then we hear Nellie start barking so that must mean he's here I hear mum open the front door and invite him in. Now she's leading him up the stairs so we turn the light off and get in positions. 3..2..1! "SURPRISE!" We all yell at the same time and both Charlie and mum jump in shock mum jumps cause she didn't expect us to be that loud and Charlie jumps in pure shock he stands there in shock for a moment before a huge grin takes over his face and he runs and jumps into my arms kissing me like there's no tomorrow.

"Hey baby I missed you" I say and Charlie starts crying happily kissing all over my face. "OMG! Nick I missed you so much you don't know how much I love you!" Charlie says in between kisses. "Awwwwww" we hear come from behind us in a teasing tone, I almost forgot that the others were here also " shut up, guys" I say flustered that we had just kissed so much in front of other people.

"Omg hi guys! I'm so glad your here too!" Charlie says as he runs to give each one of them a hug they reciprocated the hugs and 5 minutes later we were back downstairs again getting our things out the car while Charlie and my mum were in the living room watching tv.

When we walk back in I see mum sitting alone on the couch so I ask her where Charlie is and she points to the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen and find Charlie fixing himself a cup of tea. "Hey baby I was looking for you" I said and Charlie looks up from his tea "yeah I just went to get some tea, do you want some?" He asked "sure" I say with a smile and he smiles back. After he made my tea Vi comes running in the kitchen excitedly "Charlie! Do you wanna sing songs with me and René!" She says bouncing from excitement "Sure!" Charlie says just as excited.

When he first came up to uní to visit he, Violette, and René all got along really well and basically became best friends—don't tell Tao that he'll freak out— and anytime he visited they would always hang out together, but now that we came down for the summer maybe the gang and them could become friends like Charlie and the others have.

After Charlie Violette and René finish singing their songs we all decide to head into our rooms for the night, as it started getting dark outside.

-The next morning-
The next morning Charlie ask the gang if they want to meet him at the milkshake bar to hangout, little do they know that me and the others are here so we're gonna surprise them. I really want my uni friends and the my at home friends to get to know each other because I hang out with both of them a lot. Tara and Elle are already here and they are expecting me to come two days from now but little do they know I'm here now.

As we arrive closer at the milkshake bar Carlie sees Taos beanie and so he tells us to follow after him just where they can't see us. We were trailing behind Charlie for a few minutes before he tells us to hide behind a tree and then we he says he has a surprise to some out and surprise the gang.

3..2..1!! "SURPRISE!" We jump out yelling for the second time today. The gang pauses and looks at us in shock "Nick!" Tara and Darcy yell excitedly jumping up and running to hug me " Hey Guys!" I say just as excited besides Vi and René Tara and Darcy are my best friends girl wise cause Charlie's my best friend.

Anyways the rest of the gang all come over and hug me including Issac and Tao—I was pleasantly surprised when Tao hugged me— after a group hug Darcy asks "when did you get here?" " Last night" I reply "then why didn't you come say hi to me and Tara?" Darcy ask's acting offended before I can respond Charlie cuts me off and says "He wanted to see his mum and Nellie first, he also surprised me but he said that he didn't wanna see y'all right away cause he wanted it to be a surprise!"

Charlie says cheerfully chuckling a little I say "That and the fact that I brought some of my uni friends down with me I wanted them to get settled in first before y'all met" They look behind me and pause "Hi! I've heard so much about you guys, I'm Violette Nick's best gal pal!" Tara and Darcy look at me offendedly before I say "Don't worry Tara and Darcy y'all are still some of my best friends also" I say with a slight smile.

A look of relief flashes across their faces and they start introducing themselves. A few minutes later we all decided it was best to sit and have some milkshakes. I got bubblegum, Charlie got chocolate, Tara and Darcy got banana, Elle and Tao are sharing a strawberry one, Issac has plain vanilla, and René has a pineapple one— I didn't even know they sold that one— Vi, has the same as me and the rest didn't want milkshakes.

- time skip -
We all finished our milkshakes and headed to my house so that we could have a sleepover because Mum said she didn't mind. Once we reach my place we hear Nellie barking excitedly because she can smell all of these new people.

When we get inside we were all bombarded by Nellie giving us sopping wet kisses. We eventually got her off and all went upstairs to my room so that we could play some games.

"What games should we play guys?" Charlie asked "Truth or dare!" Darcy shouts "21 Questions!" Vi shouts "ok, how about both?" Charlie asks "ok!" They both shout.

- 10 minutes later -
" Nick!, Truth or dare?" Vi asks excited "uhmmm...dare...?" I say hesitantly she gets a mischievous look on her face and says " I dare you to...."

«Word count: 1743»


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