Wings of the Master

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Tommy was chosen to help Phoenix Squadron in a A Wing, Hera has been training him and Ezra with Tommy being a natural at flying.

Tommy and Phoenix Leader were on the Ghosts side.

"Hey Tommy you good, you know you can back out." Kanan said jokingly.

"Ha yeah right, I ain't facing Hera's wrath, I'd rather face Sabine's wrath when I fail on cooking something good." Tommy retorted as a few laughs were heard.

"Well he is right, Sabine does love your cooking Tommy." Hera says as Sabine giggles.

"At least she's lighter than you, you literally scared Chopper so much that he was shaking for a full day." Tommy said with a chuckle.

"Well Chopper needed a talk and well he got one." Hera said as everyone chuckled.

"Alright everyone lock it up we're coming up on Ibaar." Hera informed them as Tommy without his jacket and gauntlet put the pilot helmet on and got ready.

They soon exited hyperspace and disconnected from the Ghost.

"We'll take care of those TIE's Phoenix One." Phoenix Leader said as they went forward and began to dogfight the TIE's as Gunner downed the two in front of him.

"Nice one Phoenix Two." A female said who was Phoenix Six.

"Stay on me Six, we'll try and take out one of those cruisers." Tommy says as they fly through more TIE's as they near a cruiser.

"Tommy try and disable the guns, it's our only option to get through." Hera said as Tommy readied his missiles.

"Copy that, Six stay on my six." He told her as he got in close and launched six missiles at it as he pulled out close to the bridge.

He looked back and barely enough to disable them.

"Damnit, Phoenix One, the shields are too strong I wasted half my armaments on it." Tommy informed her.

"Try to do everything you can we're going through the blockade." Hera said as Tommy looked back and saw the transport almost destroyed.

"Pull the transport out, bail, bail, bail!" Tommy shouted as he witnessed the ship explode with all hands.

"Phoenix Squadron, fall back." Hera ordered as the remaining ships pulled back.

"Phoenix Lead, watch out for direct fire." Tommy said.

"I can't shake them." Phoenix Lead said before exploding.

"Shit, Lead is down." Six said as she was the last of the originals left.

"Six get out of here now! I'll buy you time!" Tommy exclaimed as he began making a run for the cruisers as he began to take out all the TIE's as he flew behind a cruiser.

"Tommy, what are you doing bro!" Ezra exclaimed over the comms as he shut them off and made a run for the cruiser he attacked previously.

"Well they're gonna yell at me." Tommy says as he fired his last missiles while going into hyperspace which did disable the cruiser but also almost caused his A wing to explode as he came out of hyperspace by the fleet.

"Well at least I'm in one piece." Tommy said out loud as he saw the Ghost as they picked up the A wing as he exited the A wing and entered the Ghost as Sabine hugged him first.

"You really know how to make people worry don't you?" She asked with a smile as he chuckled.

"Only to certain people, but I managed to disable one of the cruisers." Tommy informed her as the others came over and heard him.

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