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Full Name: Katara Ménos
Name Meaning: When put together, Kataraménos (Καταραμένος) means "cursed" in Greek.
Age: 23 (At time of death)
Birthday: October 27, 1916
Zodiac sign: Scorpio ♏
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Sinner, Overlord, or Hellborn?: Overlord
If Sinner/Overlord, Date of Death: August 4, 1939
Sins: Vanity, Greed, Pride, Murder
Location of Residence: He owns his own estate and factory where he manages the production/sale of demonic and cursed weapons. He's kinda the opposite of Carmilla Carmine.

Personality: Snarky, self-centered, narcissistic, egotistical, just generally what you'd expect from an overlord. Major superiority complex, believes himself to be above everyone around him, regardless of if he is more powerful or not. Despite that though, he can still be charming and charismatic if it benefits him, though he only ever really acts as much when around people of equal or higher standing than him. He's willing to lie, cheat, steal, and betray anybody he needs to to make his way to the top.
Strengths: Hard-working, ambitious, willing to take risks to achieve his goals but not too reckless with his power (like Husk)
Flaws/Weaknesses: Two-faced liar, major ego and pretention, also kind of a glass canon. Due to his vast weapon knowledge, he can do a lot of damage when given the right tools, but all it takes is one hit to take him down.
Fears: Losing his power. Also crabs.
Likes: Having authority, weapons, expensive things, loud music, watching those above him suffer
Dislikes: Meetings, depending on others, hard liquor, modern music, birds
Hobbies: Playing chess
Habits: Messes with his gloves or tie when nervous
Favourite Colour: Navy Blue, Maroon
Favourite Food/Drink: Grapes/Grape flavoured things, Red meat
Favourite Song/Music Type: Jazz
Favourite Weather: Light rain
Favourite Season: Fall
Favourite Time of Day: Dusk
Favourite Scent: Blood and Gunpowder
Mental Disorders: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Family: Unnamed Parents and a few siblings (3 brothers, 1 sister).
Best Friend[s]: Rosie, Alastor
Friends: Charlie, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, Velvette, The Cannibals
Acquaintances: Vaggie, Sir Pentious, Husk, Niffty, Lucifer
Enemies: Adam/The Exterminators, Vox, Valentino
Love Interests: Anyone (there are too many characters I like to list them all)
Other: Idolizes Carmilla Carmine, but also sees her as a rival since she does the same thing as him (deals weapons) but with stronger material (she uses angelic steel, while he uses regular hell-sourced materials.)


[Art by me, don't steal please!]

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[Art by me, don't steal please!]

Skin Colour: Dark and ashy 
Hair Colour: Dark blue with a few streaks of red in his bangs
Hair Style: Short, neat and side-swept
Eye Colour: Iris/pupil is dark blue, sclera is greyish red.
Body Type: Long and thin, slight hourglass figure
Height: TBD
Weight: TBD
Main Outfit: See Ref
Scars: He has a few from turf battles in hell that are covered by his coat. Additionally, there's still a hole in his chest from the shot that killed him as a human
Other Features: He's partially a tiger, so he has the ears and tail of one. Also his feet are tiger paws.
Scent: Gunpowder and Steel
Props/Accessories [Things they carry with them]: His staff/axe. It doubles as both.

Katara has always only ever had one ambition in both life and death; to amass power and authority. Born in Sparti, Greece in 1916, his father was the owner of a massive weapon-developing enterprise. The business was set to be inherited by the owner's first-born child when he died. Katara always dreamed of owning his father's business and having all the power he wanted, but there was one problem: having 4 older siblings, Katara was 5th in line for inheritance. He realised as much when he was 15, and in a jealous rage, killed his father and had the murder covered up as a suicide. Over the next eight years, he'd have his 3 older brothers killed as well to eliminate competition, either paying someone else to do it or just taking care of the job himself. Eventually it just came down to a matter of getting rid of the second youngest, his older and only sister. Katara opted to take her out himself, but she had already long since figured out that he was the one behind the murders. When he finally tried to attack, his sister was already armed and prepared, killing Katara by shooting him in the chest. Due to his sins of murder, greed and pride, Katara was sent hell after his death. Once he ended up in hell, he made quick work climbing up the ranks to become an overlord, using his knowledge on weapons to build his own empire. He's still on this quest for more power, hoping to one day become the most powerful overlord in hell. Nobody else actually knows of this goal however, not even his closest friends, Rosie and Alastor.

Voice Claim: Jax (TADC)
Theme Songs: Emperor's New Clothes by P!ATD
Languages: English, German, Greek
Religion: Non-Religious
Nationality: Greek

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