0.1:In the very beginning

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Tonight was the dark moon rising and with its rise, a new being would also rise. A new Nikola Reinhardt would emerge as the new dawn perpetrated its way.

I looked at the group of men who were sitted around me as I sat closest to the fire that warmed us. They were talking in hushed voices to themselves unobservant or uncaring for the night’s coldness as it grew even colder. I watched them through half closed eyes not giving a damn about them or who the heck they were. All I knew was that these men were under my father’s pay check to look after me and make sure I was a perfect little girl

Mh, I scoffed in my head as if they could do anything to stop me if I called on to my perfect bad girl in me.

Yet as I thought of that I continued to look at them as I remembered my father. He was a man who would go to many lengths to ensure that all he cared about was safe but I knew deep down he did not care about me.

All he ever saw in me was power he could use for himself and I hated him for that. I really hated him for that. I have always known for a long time that the day I asked for emancipation from him was the day he would send his men to kill me. When I was a little girl I had overheard a conversation between him and one of his partners in the many businesses he ventured in.

Cruel bastard I thought.

He never thought that I would find a way out of his grasp but little did he know that tonight was all about that.

 I stood up and all eyes were on me in the camp. Stupid men thought that they could keep a leash on me. “What are you doing Nikola?” one of them asked me. I never really did know all their names.

“None of your business” I replied, my voice low but he heard me. I moved a little bit away from the fire. In order for what was about to happen to happen smoothly I needed as much space as I could get without making the boys suspicious of me.

I knew there would be questions when I drew a circle around the camp fire and I already had a good answer for it.

As I started with the circle one of them yelled out a question to me, “what the hell are you doing?”

I smiled, “a protection spell” I lied through my teeth. What I was about to do was nowhere near a protective spell but that they did not need to know that. “You never know what’s lurking out there in the dark forest.”

“We are your protection details ma’am” another spoke, “we are all the protection you need. After all it is the job we were hired for.”

I glared at he who had spoke, “really, well I don’t trust humanly protection so shut the fuck up cause I am doing this.”

With that they all remained silent no longer questioning me. I finished the circle and where the lines formed a complete circle I drew a symbol of “he” I was going to call onto us. I moved back and raised a mental shield in myself and then sighed as I called out “his” name.

With all the power floating in my veins he should appear in the next couple of seconds. If I had not been wearing my long cloak I could have felt the wind blowing more furiously and the forest getting really silent. It was an after effect of my magic.

As I watched intently at the fire and called out his name one more time, I saw the image of a man appearing in the flames. A few seconds later a complete man wearing a cloak that covered his face appeared in flesh. He was not happy to have been summoned and caught in a devil’s trap; A trap that would not enable him to get away even if he wanted.

He looked around and his eyes landed on me. If looks could kill I would be dead seven times over.

Around me the men started screaming and if I had time to waste on them and look at them I’m pretty some had fainted with fear.

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