3.0: insAne

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Chapter three

My eyes adjusted to the lights first and then I noticed the doctor standing in front of my bed. He remained silent as he watched me. It was weird. “How are you?” he asked staring at me still.

I leaned back on the bed, “I feel fine.” I said starting to wonder how and why I was at the hospital. That princess should have better not lied to me.

The doctor continued with his staring making me uncomfortable. What the hell?

“Excuse me doctor the way you are staring at me is a little weird.” I said out loud at the same time letting my power flow in me. I could feel something weird in this place.

“I’m sorry if it is but your tattoo is pretty nice and you are a beautiful girl.” He remarked before moving back a bit as if to leave.

With my powers in action, I felt the weirdness to the extreme and then I sensed a werewolf in the room. There was no way I was in the old town I used to live in. The spell must have worked somehow.

I looked at that doctor who was now not looking at me. “Does not mean you have to stare at me” I said in reply to his statement, bold as it was. “It is considered rude.”

He did not say anything. I stared at him and everything in me screamed he was a werewolf. “How long have I been in here?”

“Three...” before he finished the door opened. A nurse came in and sighed in relief as she saw the doctor. “Moses how many times do I have to tell you to not steal the doctor’s coat?”

He stole what?

“He is not a doctor?” I asked my voice high as I thought of the possibilities.

The nurse tried smiling at me. “I’m very sorry but he is...”

I cut her. I did not want to hear any explanation. Sometimes ignorance was the cure to everything. “No don’t tell me shit. Call my real doctor.”

She nodded and using very kind words she asked the man to follow her. Something warned me he was insane. His eyes met mine and then he murmured, “I know what you are.” I rolled my eyes not caring.

I closed my eyes and moved out of the bed when they finally left the room. Where the hell was I and what date was it? As I asked myself the door opened and in entered a man in a doctor’s coat. This time I hoped it was a real one. “I heard what happened and I’m very sorry about it.” He started.

He was one of them I noticed, a werewolf. This was enough for me to conclude that I was not in the town I lived in. I was somewhere else where werewolves were.

“I just want to know what’s going on with me.” I said. “I do not care about the insane man who was in my room and I won’t sue the hospital for negligence or whatever.” I could see the immediate relief in his eyes.

“You have nothing to worry about here Miss Reinhardt.” He spoke. He knew my name?

“How did you know my name?”

“Well when the campers found you last night they also found some of your personal effects.” He explained. “You were brought in and in the state you were it is very surprising that you are awake at the moment. However I would like to do more tests on you just to make sure all is well.”

I shook my head. No way was that happening.

“You do not wish for any more tests?” he asked sounding surprised. “I have to disagree with you miss and as long as you are in my care I will make all medical decisions necessary.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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