2.0:Royal Spell Cast

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Chapter two

I dragged my ass to my room without so much as another glance at her. I was exhausted I told myself as if trying to convince myself. I locked my door but I somehow knew that it was safe. Nothing was going to happen to me tonight.

As I fell into sleep I thought about what Hope had given me. A new passage? A new channel that I would take and it would lead me away from the life I was cursed to stay in?

Waking up I found her staring outside through the window and looking as composed as ever. Her blonde hair still flowing to her back. If not for her attitude and manners I would have led myself to believe that she was the perfect little princess.

I knew my mental barriers were up thus making my thoughts private.

“You see anything interesting?” I asked her as I sat down on one of the dining chairs.

She looked at me. “Just that you leave in a very dangerous neighbourhood. In one night I saw two muggings.” She shook her as if she were disappointed.

“You should have called the cups.”

“And ruin a perfectly good mugging? I don’t think so.” She answered.

I did not bother replying as I went back to my room and got ready for the day. After I was I went back into the living room and found her in front of the dining table legs crossed drinking coffee. Her eyes met mine, “I took the privileges of making coffee.”

“I don’t drink coffee.” I stated.

“Yet you have a coffee maker.”

“I found it here.” She was really annoying. I could not wait to just get rid of her already. I pulled a chair out and sat on the far corner of the room. With my black hair tied in a bun I asked her, “So are you going to fill me in the details or do I...?”

She cut me in, “I will as soon as I’m done with my coffee.”

“I don’t have time for that. Tell me now what you want of me.” I demanded my tone getting all business like and serious.

 She seemed to get the message as she put her cup down and leaned back on her chair. “Okay here is what I need you to do for me. It’s rather simple.” If it was simple why did she need me I thought sarcasm filling my own thoughts. “I need you to remove a curse.” There was a slight tone change in her voice.

“Remove a curse? Haven’t you found a witch more willingly than I to do that?” I asked, my eyebrow raised. Removing a curse was something most witches could do but chose not to because it created enemies. I knew that.  It was something every witch knew though some of whom never cared for rules broke.

“If I had I would never have come looking for you now?” she said anger raiding her eyes before she composed herself. Something was not adding up. She was a princess hence rich as nobody’s business. She could have found a witch willing to help her kill if she paid the right amount.

I shut my thought and went on listening to her, “as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, years ago I was cursed. And I need you to get rid of the curse.”

Curiosity burned in me. “Who cursed you?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions like that...”

I leaned in and said in a low voice, “if I am going to undo some magic done by another I need to know what I am up against your highness.” I sneered.

She rolled her eyes and without further ado she began. “55 years ago, I was cursed by a circle of witches. Seven witches to be precise. They cursed me to become a shape shifter rather than just be a werewolf. I know what you’re asking yourself right now. Why would I hate being a shape shifter after all people thought that was freaking fun? Well they made me into a shape shifter who had no control over her abilities. None whatsoever. I can’t control it properly up-to-date but I manage.” She breathed. “Whenever I get mad I shift, whenever I’m sad I shift, whenever I’m really hungry I shift, whenever I get even a bit tempted I shift.” She closed her eyes. “and plus I never sleep. Ever.”

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