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"Yeah she's still asleep" a voice was heard from beyond the shoji doors of y/n's room

"Go ahead and wake her up for me, yeah?" the voice was heard again--y/n's dad

"Sure thing" another voice--Baki

y/n pretended she was still asleep as Baki slid open the shoji door to her room and sat down on her bed

"I know you're awake"

y/n remained silent trying her best to stay still

"We can do this all day y/n get up"

"Ughhhh" she threw an arm over her eyes "It's so early..."

"It's 10 am" Baki said as he brushed her hair from her face "and we need to meet with Rumina"

"Who now?" y/n said as she sat up on her elbows

"The kid from the other day...the one I fought"

"Oh yeah...that wasn't no fight that was you whooping his ass. Straight disrespect might I add"

"Well, he asked for it"

"He was probably peer-pressured into that y'know" y/n said as she threw her legs over the edge of her bed feeling the tatami floors with her feet

"Well if he was, he sure wasn't complaining" Baki said as he got up and stood by her desk "Hey wasn't this assignment due like 4 months ago?" he said as he held up a worksheet "the only thing on here is your name"

y/n emerged from her closet wearing a white cable-knit sweater and black pants with a hairbrush stuck in her hair

"uhhhh" she said trying to think of a response "that was due? Thought it was optional"

"and yet, your name is on the page?" Baki smirked and raised an eyebrow

y/n worked the hairbrush through her hair "I forgot about it"

"You forgot? or did you not wanna do it?"

"Both?" y/n said as she finally managed to get the hairbrush through her hair and tie back some strands with a pink ribbon

"Fair enough" Baki said as they left her room

y/n shoved her phone into her pocket and put her black and white converse on - the ones with a slight platform not the ones that are hanging on by a thread and crappy life insurance

﹒୨𝑒 ゚ ˖ ⠀𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙐𝘼𝙎𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝘽𝘼𝙆𝙄 𝙓 𝙁!𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍 ✔Where stories live. Discover now