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People began to crowd in front of y/n which obstructed her view 

"Bro move your big ass" she shoved people to get to the front completely forgetting about her original incognito plan because trust y/n isn't that smart. only when it comes to fighting and then she's head empty like no thoughts behind those eyes 

Then some stupid mf from the Shinshinkai Dojo began to speak up BUT another guy pressed a knife to his abdomen and whispered something 

"and who tf is that" y/n thought 


"Ouuu that gon hurt" y/n said as the guy got kicked and the knife went flying into the air 

Pickle when to grab the knife but Hanayama grabbed it at the same time 

And then Hanayama began to squeeze Pickle's hand a hard as he could which caused the knife to break 

And then Pickle swung his fist at Hanayama which caused him to go flying and at this point y/n had her phone out to record and that bigass man crashed into like 20 people sending them all to the ground 

And then everyone tried to attack Pickle which of course didn't work 

"Why they all acting like they're the shit like sit down lil bro" y/n muttered as she munched on some chips that she stole from a Shinshinkai guy

BUT! Hanayama stood up 


They like slammed against each other trying to push one another down but they was making marks in the concrete? 

"No bc how is that possible" y/n watched still under the cover of her baseball cap and hoodie. "And why is Hanayama barefoot? Nah that's nasty" 

Hanayama began to push Pickle back by using only brute force 

They suddenly stopped and stood up, y/n heard Hanayama give an apology to Pickle for stopping him 

"Nuh uh! I wanna see them fight!" she grumbled 

"You're late...Baki" he continued 

y/n's eyes widened 

"Why is he here" she whispered 

"y/n. You don't need to disguise yourself I can hear your voice from here" Hanayama spoke 

"Damn bitch I met you like once!" She said as she pulled her hoodie off her head and walked over to Baki. "How you memorizing that shit? Crazy ass man I tell you" she muttered 

"And why are you here?" she turned to Baki 

"Hanayama-san called me over!" 

"Oh you two are like secret friends or smth? I feel like I'm being cheated on" 

﹒୨𝑒 ゚ ˖ ⠀𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙐𝘼𝙎𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝘽𝘼𝙆𝙄 𝙓 𝙁!𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍 ✔Where stories live. Discover now