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y/n woke up early the next morning. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her window which her mom had opened. The gossamer curtains swayed in the morning breeze as y/n got up and out of bed and walked downstairs were a smoothie bowl was waiting for her with a note next to it

Gone to the farmers market! I'll be back soon. Text me if you go anywhere. Stay out as long as you want!! ~ <3 Mama

y/n sat down at the table and started on her smoothie bowl when she got a text 

Devon!! ✨🌊(pretty boy from the beach)

Devon!! ✨🌊(pretty boy from the beach)

Are you going to the beach today?

I wanna see you

Read: 5:07 am

mr. worldwide 😈💜


I'll be there

You gonna teach me to surf again?

Read: 5:07 am

Devon!! ✨🌊(pretty boy from the beach

I doubt you need much practice doll

But I think I'd rather take a walk with you

Read: 5:08 pm

mr. worldwide 😈💜

Oh cool

That sounds good

I'll come down to the beach

Read: 5:08 pm

Devon!! ✨🌊(pretty boy from the beach)

Then I'll meet you at the lifeguard post

Read: 5:09 pm 

y/n placed her bowl in the sink and walked upstairs to get changed. She opted for a flowy white strapless sundress and a big floppy hat. She put on a few pieces of gold jewelry and her white Hermes sandals

She texted her mom where she was gonna be and walked town to the beach. She kicked her sandals off to walk on the sand barefoot

She walked long the beach for a few minutes before she spotted Devon

"There you are," he said when he spotted her. His hair was loose and wasn't pulled back like it was yesterday. He wore a white linen button up shirt which was only buttoned up halfway exposing his tan chest 

Her dress swayed a little in the wind as she approached him "Hi" she looked up at him from under her floppy sun hat

"C'mere, walk with me" he held out his hand for her which she took

They walked along along the beach ankle deep in the water

"You told me you live in Japan? What part of Japan?" he asked

﹒୨𝑒 ゚ ˖ ⠀𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙐𝘼𝙎𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝘽𝘼𝙆𝙄 𝙓 𝙁!𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍 ✔Where stories live. Discover now