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I stood looking at divided, confused. What the fuck was that? Is he playing with me or does he actually like me? I run my hands through my hair, even though it doesn't move it out of my face I still do it, for the reade-


Anyways, I fan myself off and take off my bandage mask. I walk out of the underground weakly. I needed to go home and rest but with all of this happening in one day and stuff on my mind I know I couldn't, I mean actually, I can't sleep if I have things on my mind. I'll try and try but I know I wouldn't end up sleeping, I take out my DS weakly and decided even though I can barely feel anything I'll still kill people.

I go to the middle and just start slaughtering, slowly making my way to the top top. My white clothes now, basically, bloody red. I'm not even trying to train anymore, I'm just trying to kill whatever and whoever. I could see people staring in horror, not wanting to pick a fight with me. I know I have to swing first or they won't fight back.

What makes it worst is all these cuts and gashes on me from fighting and getting kidnapped didn't help, plus my bloody clothes were wet and sticking to me.

I sigh and decided to stop killing people for now, I've killed over 1k people already today so I think that's enough.

I go back to our shared home with me, Divided, and Dyso. I didn't even know they were there at first until someone said something.

"Holy shit dude, what the fuck happened?" Dyso asked, my ears went up in alert.

"Oh you guys are here. Uh- nothing happened, just... you know... killing people and all." I say shrugging it off, I could feel both of their eyes on me because they basically never see me with my bandage mask off.

"And that's all? How many people did you kill?!" Dyso asked, looking shocked as their is more red on me then white.


"More then 1k." I say kinda calm.

"MORE?!" Divided and Dyso say at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm gonna change, or I might just sleep, I don't know anymore." I say with no emotion in my voice and just walk to my room.

'I'm honestly tired, I'm just gonna sleep.' I lay down and fall asleep.


I woke up with myself being sore from fighting all day yesterday, I get up and I go to my mirror to look at myself.

'Im so messy and unkept bro.' I sigh and don't bother to clean myself up 'I'll do it later.'

I go out into the kitchen and make myself some eggs

"Mister devil over here making himself some eggs, I see?" Dyso walks out of his room

"Shut up lil bro." I say as I start cooking them up. "You want some?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says as he sits down at the little island we have.

Divided walks out the door and into the kitchen. "What are you making?" He asked me.

"Eggs, want some?" I ask Divided, flipping one of the eggs.

"Yeah sure." I'm pretty sure they could smell the bloody wetness off me but whatever.

I finish making the eggs and give them to both of them.

"You smell like death." Divided says to me.

"Why do you think?" I say in a dry, raspy tone, god I needed water so bad.

"So... why did you kill all those people?" Dyso says in a questionable tone.

"... I had stuff on my mind so that helped me get that stuff off my mind." I say eating the eggs.

"Well if you need to talk about it me and Divided are here." Dyso says cleaning his dish.

"Nah I'm fine."

"You also smell like shit" Divided added in.

"No shit Sherlock I murdered people with no remorse of course their blood is going to smell like shit and piss not unicorn and rainbows." I say fake fighting with him.

"Nah really? I thought it was going to smell exactly like that." Divided says getting up and washing his dish.

"Mhm..." I say with my voice kind of going lower as I say it. I get up and clean my dish.

"I'm probably going to shower, cya." "Bye Bloomster" "Bye baby"

Now THATS where I stopped. "What?" I say with my back turned to him

"Woah dude that's kinda gay." Dyso says looking at Divided

"You guys know I'm joking, don't worry." I wish he wasn't. I walk away and go shower, taking all the blood off me, I see all the cuts on my body, some still open, some closed, they burned, it felt great.

I get out of the shower and only put my boxers, socks, and pants on, I'm not going out there in a while so why bother with a shirt? I forget to put my mask back on so I clean it a bit and put it back on. I try to move my hair out of my face again but it's always no use, it always goes back to the front of my face.

'If I want to get that out of my mind I should do something productive.' I think and start seeing how many push ups I could do.

Before I could even get to 15 my door opened, someone opened my door. I looked up and see Divided. "Oh what's up Divided? Did ya need something?" I say as I stopped doing push ups and stand up straight. I look at his eyes and I could see him admiring my body, I blushed a little, hoping it would go away.

"Oh- uh- shit- sorry- I uh- didn't mean to walk in on you doing that, I uhm- you know what I'll just walk out..." Divided says stuttering a lot and walks out.

'That was weird, I wonder what he needed?' I thought as I hesitated to open the door to go ask. I decided to put on a white shirt before I go and ask him.

I open his door a little and look at him on his bed. "You know you could've just asked me the question when you were there?" I say, noticing I accidentally scared him a bit. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"My question was stupid so it doesn't matter anymore... you can go back to doing your, err.. push ups." Divided said before laying back on his bed.

"Oh uh, alright..." I say closing the door, and slowing walking back to my room, thinking about what he wanted anyways...

d3adest says

Two in one day🙀

Yessssirrr jst for you pookies

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