chapter thirty-nine

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Chapter 39

"Gentlemen," Mina coughed, the comments in the room making her water slide down the wrong pipe. While she knew that the Mikaelson family was on the more... violent side... of the families, she didn't expect Klaus to make comments about stringing people up by their femur.

It had been two days since everyone realized, and Mina confirmed, that Rebekah was indeed inside the cemetery with Esther. The Bennett witches weren't all that worried speaking that they had a spell going that would alert them if at any point Rebekah was struck with white oak or died. While knowing the latter wouldn't be very effective, they both agreed that it was important to know.

"I'm with Mina," Bonnie swallowed a sip of her tea. "We all want Rebekah to make it home safely, but threats of murder to us isn't going to help us bring her back."

"This week is full of surprises," Elyza mumbled. "Because I'm going to agree with Miss Bon Bon over here. We need to figure out who's on our side. Because we can't fight Esther plus every single supernatural in the city without at least one of us being killed in the process... and I don't want it to be me."

"Me either," Mina spoke up. "So, teams? We need team witches, vamps, and wolves."

Marcel wiped a couple of the crumbs from his donut from the corners of his mouth, having once again missed breakfast for these family meetings. "The vampires trust me the most. So I think I should be team vampire."

Kol sat up and shrugged. "I'm guessing Poppa Klaus is going to want to go with his pup here, so I'll take whoever's handling the witches."

"Actually," Bonnie sighed, knowing how this was going to sound. For days she watched as Marcel and Klaus grew closer, but there was only one logical place Klaus should go. "I was thinking Klaus may want to go with the wolves."

"What?" Mina questioned.

"Excuse me?" Klaus second.

"That's stupid," Elyza sat back.

Bonnie stood up, grabbing the marker she had gotten out of Henrik's room and using it as a pointer. She pointed to Klaus first. "You're the only werewolf in the bunch, Klaus. Logically, you are the only person who they would listen to."

Klaus sat back. "The wolves saw me threaten their alpha and their Queen. In what situation would they openly accept my offer of inopportune friendship?"

"So make it genuine," Kol commented resulting in a scowl from the hybrid.

"Mina and I will go with the witches," Bonnie glanced at her the hybrid. "You and Elijah can go with the werewolves," She looked between Kol and the only person with donut crumbs on their shirt. "and you two can take the vampires."

Elyza stood up, gasping. It took her a couple of seconds to realize that her name was the only one who wasn't on the starting lineup. "And what am I supposed to do? Wait on the sidelines?"

"Someone has to stay and watch Henrik," Mina started before nodding over to the large map in the corner of the living room. "And the spell. If something changes with Bex and none of us are here to see it, the spell would've been for nothing."

"Absolutely, not," Elyza shook her head. "I'm one of the more powerful members of this family. I'm a heretic for God's sake; I'm not sitting still and babysitting."

Elijah cleared his throat. "You are, however, able to get inside the cemetery and powerful enough as a witch to protect Rebekah shall the need arise. You are the perfect person to have on standby."

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