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Hello reader! Thank you for your interest in my story. This introduction will include some much needed information to help you gain a better understanding of His Purpose. I would first like to start with a warning that this story will contain violence and adult themes, hence why it is marked as mature. I will not be including warnings in each chapter that contains these themes, just be aware that they are present and may be uncomfortable for some readers.

Now, let's begin! Here is a map of Araelia! Created by yours truly.

Truthfully, the map is more for a fun visual

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Truthfully, the map is more for a fun visual. You won't have to memorize all the different locations on the map to understand this story!

Next, here is the Drakarr family tree, who rule over the Kingdom of Drakestone.

Yeah, they're mostly dead

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Yeah, they're mostly dead...

And here's the Zenhir family tree, who rule over the Kingdom of Zenithrae.

While this many characters may seem overwhelming, rest assured that only a select few play a big role in this story

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While this many characters may seem overwhelming, rest assured that only a select few play a big role in this story. When other characters are involved, their relationship with the main characters will be reestablished. Again, please don't try to memorize everything, it's completely unnecessary! However, a few smaller characters will be introduced as the story progresses. Don't underestimate their importance! (Hint hint!)

Lastly, here is a list of pronunciations for the important locations and characters, because I know some people can't read a story if they are unsure of how a name should be said (I am one of those people...Haha!). I haven't included every name and place, because some of them don't need clarification and others won't be mentioned often. If you need me to add any of the others, don't hesitate to leave a comment and I will add it to the list!

Locations (west to east):
Araelia: uh-RAY-lee-uh
Pirenth (Archipelago): PY-renth
Drakestone: DRAYK-stone
Karowan (Mountains): kuh-ROW-in
Ominim (Waters): OH-muh-num
Zenithrae: ZEN-uh-thray
Xenfali (Bay): zen-FALL-ee
Silenmar (Island): si-LEN-mar
Cyridian (Mountains): si-RID-ee-in
Elistra (Island): eh-LEES-truh

Names (in order of importance, somewhat):
Zenhir: zen-HEER
Drakarr: druh-KAR
Lys: liss
Cinte: sint
Grimurr: gri-MUR
Malato: muh-LAH-tow
Tagatis: TAY-guh-tiss
Solus: soh-loos
Anara: uh-NAR-uh
Alaric: uh-LEHR-ick
Irena: eye-REE-nuh
Draktus: DRAHK-toos
Clarea: KLAY-ree-uh
Faelea: fay-LEE-uh

And that's pretty much it! A few of the names are easter eggs and have meanings. Can you find them all? (Don't worry, all of them will be revealed at the end!)

Here is where I created these wonderful graphics!
Map: and PicCollage
Family trees: Canva

If you bothered to read this far, thank you! I hope that you will give my story a chance. Lastly, I would like to give a special thank you to Alex, for helping me get back into writing. You're the best!

Without further ado, let the story begin...

His PurposeWhere stories live. Discover now