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You are my favorite feeling


— "So he actually kissed on her cheeks?" Itadori scrawled as he pointed out his words directed by his fingertips.

"Yeah, he kissed her and then ran away, so cute isn't it?" Nobara hopelessly yet again maniacally in the depths of romantic novels elaborated her feelings.

"Like-" Itadori stretched the words with his eyes narrowing synchronizing with his words "Like kiss? Kiss?"

"What do you mean by a kiss kiss?"

"Like his lip to her cheeks?"

Nobara pulled her hands over his earlobe forcefully.
"Are you a dumbo? Can't you understand at once? What the fuck is kiss, kiss? Kiss is kiss goddammit"

Megumi and Maki were present there too, standing and witnessing the little drama of Itadori and Nobara.

"So you let that guy touch her?" Megumi's eyes twisted unbelievably.

"It's not like I didn't wanted to stop him, but he was too quick" Maki sighed recollecting the thoughts of how suddenly things went and she couldn't even punch that guy.

"Is she okay with that?"

"She doesn't seem to complain, all she does is being quiet" Maki has been asking you ever since that day to be angry about this fact but you never actually let your anger get in the way and blushingly asked them to take it easy.
"Don't know what will become of this girl"


As the sun rays of the morning shined, you strolled through your campus under its glistening rays. The air was crisp, hauling soft aromas of lavender in the garden, pursued by orchestrating rustling of leaves.

The wind careless your skin, shivering down your spine and you took your steps forward to reach attain your early classes.

In this tranquil moment, something else shivered your crest again. A familiar voice.


You knew who it was, yet you didn't turned around.
What the heck is he doing here?
Of course, you wanted to see him too, but this wasn't the right time, not at all.

You cleared your throat and stirred again to walk in the direction of your classroom.

"Is Y/n-chan ignoring me today?" Not long before you tried to walk away, the bold Satoru gripped your wrist and pulled you in to face him.

An evil smirk was sliding through his glossy thin lips as his grip over your wrist remained dominating.

A nervous chuckle escaped through your vocal, seeing him in a teasing mood, it was best for you to get away before anything worse happens.
"Well, you see I am quite busy and have a class right now so I cannot talk to you" You forced a smile, bringing up the best and realistic excuse you could bring.

"Class you say?" A soft frown was indeed observable over his silvery eyebrows.

Your heartbeat which paced prior in his presence was soothing now, as for now, you could get away luckily.

"Oh," Unexpectedly he snickered again.
"A class you say?" He was grinning now, Of course, cunningly.

He didn't loosen his grip over your wrist and used his other hand to pull out his phone, only to call someone.
"Is this the dean speaking?" Your eyes widened at his words, knowing his next move.

Symphony of Selenic Whispers || SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now