Swayamvara's Aftermath

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Such was the uncertainty of fate,

When King Drupada expressed his desire

Of bestowing his daughter to the Brahman,

The Kshatriyas began breathing fire.

They concluded the Swayamvara - a dishonouring plot,

And that the Brahman - a man of avarice,

Threatened to cast the Princess into her marital fire,

And rushed forth to kill the King as a price.

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

He stepped in front of her like an impenetrable shield,

As Bhima uprooted a nearby tree,

Ready with a bow in his hand; he did not yield.

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

He faced Karna, a smug son of the Sun,

Engaging in a fierce battle,

Both unafraid of getting overrun.

Alas! Who could defeat the avatar of the Nar?

Pointless was Karna fighting with all his worth,

Showering celestial astras,

Towards the best archer on the earth.

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

His swift arrows cut through the air,

Piercing the haughty Karna straight,

Taking him down fair and square.

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

He gaped at the man in the Brahman's skin

As Karna recovered from his defeat,

Addressing him, "Art thou Rama or Indra's akin?"

He replied "I am no God in disguise;

Just a trained wielder with great arms,

A Brahman learning, honed and wise.

Here to vanquish you without much harms."

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

Bhima and Shalya engaged in a feral duel,

Clashed like bulls, wrestling with a menacing gait,

Each strike and punch powered their fuel.

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

Bhima lifted Shalya high with all his might,

Throwing him down with such strength,

He thus ended the fight.

The onlookers gaped at the Brahmans, shocked.

Recoiling and defending themselves,

Against the warriors whom they had previously mocked,

Fear filling in every of their cells.

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

Kṛṣṇaḥ asked the monarchs to retire,

And rightfully concluded, with his signature smile,

"The Princess was the Brahman's to acquire."

Such was the uncertainty of fate,

The Brahmans and the Princess exited the crowd,

Followed by the illustrious Kṛṣṇaḥ,

Appearing like the sky full of sun, moon and cloud.

**** **** **** **** 

Hello peeps!

Thank you for reading (and waiting)!! ✨

Until later chapters, I won't be directly mentioning Arjun or Draupadi's name. They are called 'Brahman' or 'Princess' here because I like how it goes with the flow🙈👀✨ I have written Kanha's name as 'Kṛṣṇaḥ' (which is literally कृष्णः ) to not confuse between 'Krishn', 'Krishna' or 'Krishnaa'.

Sooo many days since I posted the 1st part! I felt a lil guilty of keeping you ppl waiting, so here's the next part. Now don't expect the next part till April (cus boards :]) U.U

Also, sorry (not) Karna fans but I have written this part only after reading the Swayamvara Parva (of KMG or BORI...idr). Yusss, this is not made up. Winners win even in disguise✨

Next part would probably be fiction+real stuff cus...uk what happens, and I don't want everything to be sed sed👀👉👈 DONT BE GHOSTS!! And pweeese comment :)

Until next time! 👋🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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