Prologue - Part I [Incision]

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Never thought I could run
such an endless distance to you;
but the way to your world,
so shadowed & fraught...


Light Field Reverie - Ultraviolet



" Come on, go ahead! It won't hurt, I promise. "

           A high-pitched, strangled scream cut through the night like a scythe, the impenetrable darkness swallowing it whole, like a gaping mouth only visible to the starry dome above & the solemn eyes of the crescent moon that ruled it. Mere seconds later the hollow sound of a heavy, metallic object hitting concrete ground followed its lead, fading out with an echo that violently stirred the wintry air. Then, a last choked sob attempting to crawl up what appeared to be a throat in the process of being cut before everything fell back into silence; merely the howling winds of a premature winter grazed the area one more time, as though aching to get a final look at the evil it had just witnessed, before departing as well.

           A large cloud pushed its body in front of the moon, throwing a black tapestry onto the world. The stars vanished one by one, turning their back on the grotesque scene in shame. They had seen enough tonight...

A shadow moved in the dark, graceful & on lightest feet, almost dancing to the rhythm of the crime it just committed, mocking the loss of yet another life.
" Well, maybe it DID hurt... Just a little. "

" You... you promised that I wouldn't have to do this anymore... "
A second voice rang out, thin as paper & fragile, unlike the other voice that resounded firm & deep, although somewhat raspy.

          " You promised it would end with him... "

" Experiments like this one will always continue, my dearest. There is no end in sight. That's not the nature of science.
No, no... What we desire is results, & results require improvement! There is no improvement without progress, no progress without yet another attempt, or is there? " ~ the tall, slender figure of a man - at last faintly visible due to a single beam of moonlight that squeezed its way through a small crack in the cloud - inched into view, facing the shadows several feet away where the other stood, motionless as a statue & visibly trembling.

             " I-- I know... but... "

" And do you remember what I taught you about the importance of progress? What it - more than often, as we can clearly see - demands?
What does the kind of progress we are striving for ask of us, Lilyora? "

An air of silence fell for a few seconds that somehow felt like minutes, feeding the tension that poisoned the air. A sigh ensued, carried away by a subtle tremor.
                 " Sacrifices... "

" You remember. Good, good. "
The man chuckled upon approaching the far smaller, undoubtedly feminine figure that was forced to lean against a nearby wall as a wave of nausea struck her body, the adrenaline - though slowly wearing off - torturing her nervous system with dozens of unwanted & overwhelming sensations.

              " No need to feel guilty for what happened tonight, here in this very place, " whistled the man, the long digits of his right hand extended to reassuringly cup her cheek as soon as she was within arm's reach, a smile hanging in his breathy voice.
" ... for you, too, are learning & evolving. "

            The young woman leaned into his touch almost unwillingly, exhaustion & regret gnawing at her heart like a horde of starving rats, numerous thoughts weighing down her already aching head.
Something heavy slid through her fingers & dropped to the floor with a clank; any measurable strength had left her arms & legs now that she was completely bereft of adrenaline.

" What have I become...? "

Words that barely managed the climb over the brim of her lips as she stared at the ground in front of them with empty eyes, silently cursing the moon for successfully breaking through the cluster of clouds to illuminate the entire area once again; the long, in thickest blood covered knife inches away from her feet, & the lifeless body of a middle-aged man on top of an ever-spreading crimson puddle right beside it, twitching weakly like a fish that had been dragged out of the water, left to suffer, to suffocate.

           " ... what have I become, William..? "

" What you have become, you ask? "
His hand brushed past her face & landed on her shoulder, firmly gripping her shoulder blade for support while the other wandered into her long brown hair, stroking it once before the calloused palm was planted against her back, steadying her swaying body.

         " You have officially become... my greatest inspiration! "

Behind him several lights flickered into existence, small oddly shaped light bulbs in a pool of red & white; they looked like eyes in the morass of darkness, however lacking life & anything human. Hissing noises pierced the night, metal grazing metal as whatever these inhuman eyes belonged to intended to move, announcing their awakening in the most intimidating way.
Both the man & the young woman turned their heads towards the mechanical soundscape, the former smiling a rapidly widening grin whilst pulling her closer into his chest, ensuring that her eyes remained fixed on the bizarre scene.

        " Look, your friends are finally awake" he whispered into her ear, each of his words dripping with pure satisfaction, " they woke up from their nap only to celebrate you & express their gratitude! Be proud of yourself, Lily.

You made them very happy tonight ~ "

His hand slid off her shoulder, across her cheek towards her chin where he turned her head until their eyes met in the faint, cold moonlight.
" ~ & you made me very happy, too. "


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