Chapter V - A Liar's Truth

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On wings that soar into the unknown
To know...

... & when the void inhales
the soul will let go
(and be swept away)

Swept into the golden ring
where the dying light becomes
a million times more blinding.

[ Remina - Erebus ]


Lily awoke to the peaceful pitter-patter of autumn rain on the roof & the howling winds lurking in the trees, with distant storms rolling across the silent & deserted lands beyond the hills; a sound to scare the new-born morning. Tired eyes flung open, the countenance of an ash-gray dawn staring right back at her & smiling its barefaced smile. A few dim beams of sunlight were dancing along the walls, deliberately scattered by the swaying tree branches in Afton's backyard. Viewed through Lily's still slumber-stained eyes they looked like fireflies at first, wandering aimlessly from one corner of the room to the next & back again. And the stronger the breeze, the more frantic their dance.

She was surprisingly aware of her surroundings this time, was even able to instantly & clearly recall the events shortly before she'd fallen back into the arms of sleep, from her awaking in the middle of the night to reading Mike's letter, at least parts of it, to yet another unreined, sinfully sweet dance of the flesh with her boss. Mr. Afton.


Missing the weight of his arm around her waist as well as the comforting heat of his body the young woman slowly rolled around & to the other side of Afton's awfully large bed, eager to see the handsome face that had gifted her multiple orgasms throughout the night somewhere in the gloaming that stretched across the room, but all she found herself face to face with was a pile of cushions & disheveled blankets. William Afton was nowhere to be seen, the bed cold to her touch as she reached out, indicating that he'd been gone for quite a bit already, although she could faintly smell his distinct body odor, subtly mixed with what was left of his cologne after last night's bath.

She gave a soft sigh, crestfallen, fingers grasping the blanket he'd left behind & dragging it against her chest.

Invisible fumes of his scent stirred the air, gently stroking her nose. A feeble smile bloomed on her lips, & for a moment she almost forgot he wasn't here with her, the images her mind had taken in the haze of pleasure flashing up before her inner eye once more.

Then, out of the very blue, a hollow thud ensued from the other side of the room, followed by the sound of a door sliding open. From one second to the next she was suddenly wide awake, rocketing into a seating position so fast, the blanket around her chest had absolutely no chance to stay in place.

" Will--- "

However her excitement was cut short by the sobering realization that the figure in the doorway was not only far too small, but also significant less graceful in the way it moved around the shady room to be William Afton. It took her eyes a moment to make out a face in the scare light, but once Lily grasped who she was looking at, she immediately covered her nude frame with even more blankets.

It was Richard, the butler.

He would not register that she was awake until he'd halfway tiptoed across the room to place what looked like a stack of towels on the table beside the Victorian couch, along with a medium-sized brown woven basket, presumably containing other amenities. Not exactly being very observant he'd let his eyes drift around, ready to turn & leave again when they finally settled on her.

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