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"YOU ACTUALLY SAID YES AFTER WHAT HE DID TO YOU?!?", Gyuvin and Naeun said in unison, "chill...I had no choice but to do so", Haneul says, "What do you mean you had no choice?", Naeun asks furrowing her eyebrows, "My father...he seems to really need this so I'm doing it for him, not for Hao", Haneul says and they both nodded. "Oh here he comes", Gyuvin looks at the male passing through the crowd, all of them staring at him until he reached his seat, Hao looked at the three in confusion and asked, "Why are you guys looking at me like that?", "When's the wedding?", Naeun speaks up with Haneul looking at Naeun with wide eyes, "Wait you said yes?", Hao says while looking at Haneul as she nodded, "Damn", was all the came out of Hao's mouth. "I can't believe you two are getting married, like WE the couples aren't even getting married yet", Gyuvin says as the other three laughed, just then the professor came in and started the lecture.


"I'm home Ms.Kim", Haneul sighs and puts her bag down plopping herself onto her bed, she heard a knock on her door and said, "Come in", lazily, "Miss Park, you will be eating dinner at Mr.Zhang's place by yourself", Her maid comes in and says before bowing and leaving, "By myself?!? Ughhh I'm so tired now I have to get ready??", Haneul says as she gets up not wanting to leave her bed but got ready as it was almost 4, she wore a simple white dress with a long sleeved baby pink fluffy cardigan and white loafers with pink socks. She looked at herself in the mirror, grabbed her tiny bag from Dior and called Mr.Cha to drive her to Zhang's place.

"You look cute Haneul", Mr.Cha says as he drove off and Haneul says a small 'thank you' while smiling, they reach the place and Haneul gets off the car saying, "Bye Mr.Cha, I'll call you when we're done", as he nodded and drove off waving at her.

"Come in dear !", Ms.Zhang says excitedly which made Haneul smile at her and now 90° before the two sat in the living room next to each other, "Thank you for having me here Ms.Zhang", Haneul said, "Oh Haneul you don't have to call me by that just call me mom hahahaha", Ms.Zhang said while laughing but Haneul was caught off-guard and said, "M-mom?", "Yes dear, gosh I'm so excited to have such a beautiful daughter in law", Ms.Zhang says clapping her hands and looking at Haneul with such adoration in her eyes which made Haneul soft at how cheerful and fun her mother-in-law is, "Ey, Ms.Zh—mom I'm not that beautiful hehe", Haneul says while covering her face because of shyness, "Aww so cute", Ms.Zhang says.

They both heard the door open and saw Hao and his dad coming in, "Hello there Haneul", Mr.Zhang says while smiling which made Haneul stand up and bow 90° before saying, "Good evening, I'm sorry about last time I left in a hurry because I was shocked and—", Mr.Zhang cut her off by saying, "It's okay dear, I understand", while smiling and reassuring her that it's fine, "Thank you Mr.Zhang", Haneul said and bowed again, "It's nothing and you should call me dad by now you know?", Mr.Zhang says while chuckling at Haneul's reaction which was basically her widening her eyes abit, "Y-yes sure dad hehe", She says nervously. Hao heard their conversation and couldn't help but smile at her flustered state.

"Should we have dinner?", Ms.Zhang suggests and everyone nods while heading to the kitchen, the family and Haneul were now eating while chatting and discussing about the wedding, "So Haneul, I was thinking of spending time together this Sunday just the two of us like a mother and daughter hangout?", Ms.Zhang says while smiling, looking at Haneul, "Sure I would love that!", she says happily to which Ms.Zhang nodded while smiling, "What about me?", Hao pouted at her mom which made Haneul smile at him, "Of course you're not invited, it's only me and my daughter-in-law", Ms.Zhang says while flicking Hao's forehead, "But I want to spend time with my soon-to-be wife too mom", Hao says which made Haneul blush as he called her his 'wife', "Aigoo, you guys can have a date whenever you want Hao", Mr.Zhang says while chuckling at the sulking boy as everybody laughs before going back to eating.

"Thank you so much for having me here mom and dad, I'll get going now", Haneul says, "Wait dear, Hao you should go drop her off", Mr.Zhang says to which Ms.Zhang also nodded agreeing, "Ah no it's fi—", Haneul was about to refuse but got cut off by Hao getting his keys and saying, "Should we get going?", Haneul had no choice but to nod and say, "Have a good night then", while bowing to her new parents (A/N note: that sounded weird) before going out of the house with Hao by her side.

"So, did you have fun today?", Hao asks while looking at her, "Yeah, your parents are nice", she replied smiling at him. He opened the door for her and put on her seatbelt for her, the two were dangerously close and they both knew it, Hao stared at her while Haneul thought for a second, 'i don't want this to happen again' and looked away awkwardly, Hao cleared his throat and closed the door. He walked to the other side without saying anything but Haneul could tell he was upset and felt a little bad but she had no choice but to look away since she doesn't want the same thing to happen again. The whole ride was silent and was uncomfortable unlike before.
"Thanks for the ride, get home safe", Haneul said, "Good night, bye", He said and drove off.

Haneul let out a sigh and got into her house, she went straight to her room, took a shower, changed into her pajamas, did her night routine and went to bed but couldn't sleep, the whole time she was thinking and thinking, 'was I too rude?', 'did i upset him?', 'is he mad at me?', she sighed and thought for so long but eventually drifted to sleep without knowing.

Was he really mad at her?


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