Chapter 6. USJ ATTACK PART 2.

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(The image below is basically your costume just without the mask and I have some more pictures that I've got with this suit and I'll use in the next chapters, and ofc if you don't like pink and/or black you can change them, and you don't have to look like that girl or anything it's just a reference photo😘😘)

also this is gonna be a long one😜 (just over 2k words😣)

Bakugo exploded the ones in his corner, kirishima fought the ones in his corner and you fought some for fun, jumping on the roof and walls to jump down a kick them, now this was fun when you were bored of them you stuck them all together into a we...

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Bakugo exploded the ones in his corner, kirishima fought the ones in his corner and you fought some for fun, jumping on the roof and walls to jump down a kick them, now this was fun when you were bored of them you stuck them all together into a web and threw them against the wall, you then switched your web type and threw one at them that would make them all pass out. "Hey you guys need any help back there?"
"I got it covered web head" bakugo shouted
"I wouldn't mind some company" kirishima smiled and turned his head to you while at punching one of them in the face, knocking them out. You ran around the wall to where he was and jumped down to the floor, sparking up your electric on some of the other extras, frying them and making them pass out too.

After that you guys were pretty muchc done with them
"Damn guys we make a good team" kirishima said and held his fist out to you and bakugo, you smiled back and bumped his fist
"Get your fist out of my face shitty hair" that made you laugh "but your right, you extras weren't bad, those bunch of weaklings" you and kirishima gave eachother a look and silently chuckled knowing what he meant.

"All right, let's hurry and find the rest of our class, if we're still in the USJ then everyone else probably is too, and not all of them has the offense skills we do, we gotta make sure they're safe, especially as we screwed things up when we got in the way earlier, if thirteen had been able to suck up that villain then we never would have been separated like that! We have to make it up to the others!" Kirishima said
"Hey don't overthink it, I'm sure everyone's okay, but your right, we should probably get going, we're no use to anyone here" you replied
"You wanna track everyone down have fun, but I'm gonna go destroy that warpy bastard" bakugo said, making kirishima gasp,
"There's no use, our physical attacks do nothing to him" you said and kirishima agreed
"She's right bakugo, our quirks didn't hurt that guy, come on don't be an idiot man"
"Guys" you said
They didn't hear because of bakugo shouting but your spidey sense were picking something up "GUYS" you shouted and this lizard thing became visible and bakugo blasted it.
"Damn, that was, impressive bakugo." You smirked "I know." He scowled, "anyway if all these villains are small fry's like this guy, then web heads right, our class mates can handle 'em" the lizard groaned and bakugo picked it up by its head,
"That reaction time was insane! And y/n how do you know when something bad is coming, I mean you knew it when they first arrived and you knew it before we could even see that guy that just tried to attack us then!!" Kirishima said holding up his fist looking between you and bakugo,
"Uh, I have an extra sense, it's sorta like a danger sense I guess, I can just feel when something bad is about to happen or someone bad is near, I call it a spidey sense"
"That's stupid" bakugo said before being cut off by kirishimas enthusiasm.

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