Chapter 3

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Hey guys, chapter 3 already!! (yes, you may applaude) Hope you enjoy it, so vote, comment, become my fan \(^-^)/

Oh and... I'm just describing some songs at the concert, it's all fictional and made up. It's not described according to the real playlist. 

Photo: Matt during a concert *___*



I'm looking at the signs that are near the road. Amsterdam is still 138 kilometers away and I'm stuck in this car with Danaé, Jasey and my grumpy mom. Seriously...? 

"I can't believe I'm driving this whole distance only because you wanted to see some retards playing some instruments," she complains for the 164646847th time already. Danaé and Jasey wisely keep their mouths shut. They know my mom can be pretty mean sometimes so they don't dare to scream how wrong she is about Muse. But I do.

"How dare you to call my favourite band some retards!!!!" I scream.

"Because they are! This singer-guy is always jumping around, the drummer wears panter prints, that bassist is always moving his head in a weird way..." Wow, good arguments mom.

"First. Matt is just hyperactive, it's the way he is, he can't change it. And his jumping and shuffling and so on much more exiting to watch than to watch some singer sitting on a chair while singing and playing. Second. Panter prints suit Dom perfectly. Better than they suit you. And last. Don't judge Chris' epic headbang," I say.

"Conclusion, they are retards."

"MOM. THEY ARE NOT SOME RETARDS, THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE BAND. FOR FUCK SAKE SHUT UP!" Shouldn't have said that. Defenitely shouldn't have said that. But it's too late. Mom hits me in the face and I start screaming. Her nail scratched my cheek and I'm convinced that it's bleeding. I hear Danaé and Jasey make some shocked sounds. 

"Mom, what did you do?!" I scream, and I start crying. I touch my cheek and look at my hand. Beautifully red. Fuck. For Christ sake it is bleeding!

"I slapped you," my mom says casually. 

"You slapped me!" I repeat.

"That's what I just said," mom answers.

"It is bleeding mom, you scratched me, and it's bleeding."

"Oh bad for you, do you want me to turn around and go home so you can cry and bleed in your room?" 

"No, of course not!" I yell. Thankfully my mom listens to me this time.


Finally, after a long, long, loooooong time we arrive at the Amsterdam Arena. The whole drive, no one said anything anymore. Danaé and Jasey got scared, my mom was just mad at me and I didn't want to make her even more mad. 

"I have to go to the toilet," I say softly when we're connecting the queue. 

"Well then go, and hurry," my mom bitches.

I walk into the bathroom and look into the first mirror I see. What the hell has my mother done? My eye is all blue and swollen and there's a huge slash all over my left cheek, which fortunately isn't bleeding anymore. Jesus christ, do I have to be in front row like this? I mean, Matt, Chris, and maybe Dom can probably see me, what will they think? AND THEN THERE IS THE MEET AND GREET AND I CHOOSE TO WEAR SHORTS AND SHORT SLEEVES, WHILE THERE ARE SCARS ALL OVER MY BODY, FUCKTARD AS I AM. I curse myself and go to pee.

"You weren't really hurrying."

"Sorry, but I had to look if my eye wouldn't die," I say, slightly irritated. I won't let this day be ruined any more by my mom.


After we're in the Arena, we have to wait for another 30 minutes, and then, there's the moment I have waited for my whole life...

Matt, Dom and Chris start playing Supremacy and I sing along as hard is I can. While moving my mouth, my cheek hurts as fuck but I don't care. This is what I live for.

"Wake to see, your true emancipation, is a fantasy...Policies have risen up and overcome the brave.  Greatness dies, unsung and lost, invisible to history. Embedded spies, brainwashing our children to be mean.... You, don't have long, I am on to you... The time, it has come, to destroooooy, your SUPREMACYYYYYYY!!!!" 

After they have played a few more songs including Panic Station and Unsustainable, Chris suddenly starts singing Save Me. The song is so beautiful and I feel like I'm re-living my whole life because of the lyrics. Suddenly, without noticing it, I start crying. I start crying so hard, I've never cried this hard before and I can't stop. My lungs are burning, my whole body is tearing apart and tears keep streaming down my face. I think I'll drown everyone in this Arena with my tears. 

"Hey, you there," I vaguely hear Matt saying. But I still can't stop crying. I hear him say something to one of the security guys. Suddenly someone pokes on my sholder. 

"Matt wants you to come on stage," the security guy says.

"He.... what?" I stutter. Fuck you tears, stop streaming.

"You have to get up the stage." The guy picks me up and pulls me over the fences. Then he helps me to get up the stage. At once, I feel someone hug me from behind. And another person. And another. Is this real? ARE MATTHEW JAMES BELLAMY, DOMINIC JAMES HOWARD AND CHRISTOPHER TONY WOLSTENHOLME REALLY HUGGING ME? I feel like I can't breathe but luckily my lungs continue working so I'm not dying. 

"Let it all out girl," Matt says, "and while doing that, listen carefully to the next song which we are dedicating to you." He grabs the microphone. "What's your name?" he asks and pulls the microphone in my direction. 

"Aurelia," I sort of say. I am on fucking stage with Muse and tears are still streaming down my face. WHAT.

"This song is dedicated to Aurelia!!" Matt says and he begins to sing.

When darkness falls and surrounds you.... 

When you fall down, when you're scared and you're lost....

Be brave, I'm coming to hold you!

When all your strength has gone and you feel wrong....

Like your life has slipped away!

Follow me, you can follow me. I will keep you safe!

Follow me, you can follow me, I will protect you!

I won't let them hurt, they're hurting you, no, ooh yeah.

When your heart is breaking!

You can follow me, you can follow me, I will always keep you safe!

Follow me, you can trust in me, I will always protect you, my love!

Feel my love, feel my love....

Again, they are hugging me, all three of them. Soon I notice why. While listening to the song, standing there on the stage, I started crying again. Then Dom notices the card for the Meet and Greet, which sticks out my pocket. He tells Matt and Chris. 

"Thanks very much Aurelia, stay strong, and we'll see you after the gig for a deep talk during the meet and greet!" They hold me tight for another few seconds, and then the security guy puts me back in the audience.

While they play the last few song, they constantly give me looks, and during Resistance, Matt even winks at me. This is one of the reasons why they are my favourite band.

"See?" I say to my mum, "they defenitely aren't retards."

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