Chapter Two

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A few moments passed while the lady behind the bar who was now known as Mira came back with a smile on her face, she was holding an old fashion looking stamp in her hand with the wooden handle and the metal base, as she approached they looked into her eyes and saw nothing but purity and goodness.

"Where can I put it?" She asked Y/N with a honest smile, Y/N then proceeded to roll up their sleeve to allow for Mira to have access to stamp it, they then gestured to the spot on the back of their arm, just above there elbow and gave Mira a smile as if to say thank you. Mira then took the stamp to the spot and stamped it down.

"Oh!" She exclaimed giving them a confused look, when Y/N looked, the guild mark that was supposed to be stamped hadn't worked, " we'll try again," Mira said while grabbing Y/N's arm to make sure she stamped this one harder and more accurate, their head was turned in the direction that Mira was at to see what it was that she was doing, sure enough the stamp never worked again, triggering Mira to look at Y/N with a confused look on her face, a few moments later they gaze started to drift from Mira to their feet.

"Is there anywhere I could get a wash please?" Y/N mumbled hoping that Mira could hear them, never lifting their gaze from their feet. This triggered Mira to nod and grab their hand and started to lead them to a room behind the bar.

As they looked around they saw five open showers on the left hand side of the room against the walls, on the right wall there were lockers each with the door opened a little bit apart from the odd one or two, in the middle of the room was a couple of wooden benches with coat hooks with white robes hung up on them and folded white towels placed upon one of the benches.

"Feel free to use any of the towels and robes, they are all clean, just place them in the corner on the floor when your done." Mira then left the room. Y/N begins to strip off their clothes, making sure to place their bag in a locker to keep it safe and starts the water in one of the showers before slowly slipping in and starting to rinse off.

"AHHH" Y/N screamed, with that Mira and laxus came running into the shower room to see what had happened. Within seconds of entering Laxus' face light up a bright red when he had realised what he saw, that's when Mira smacked her hand over his eyes.

"What's happened?" Mira asked while pushing Laxus out of the room by his face.

"S-sorry to scare you... its just this," Y/N stuttered while gesturing to their rib cage, when Mira glanced at it she noticed a black mark, more specifically a black fairy tail guild mark.

"Oh my!" She said "I've never seen a guild mark move from where it was stamped before."

"What do you think it means?" Y/N asked.

"Not sure, it might not mean anything at all, I'll ask the master while you continue your shower, if you need any assistance with anything... just shout," She said with a worried smile as she turned to leave the room. Nodding Y/N then returned to the shower to get washed, they then dried off and got back into their clothes and grabbing the rest of their stuff, before walking out back into the main room.

The room was louder than they had recalled, with an argument occurring not far away from them between a pink haired boy and another boy with long spiky black hair, the pink haired boy was faced away from them so they couldn't see their face but they could see the boy with the spikey hair, they noticed him having several piercings, and a distanced smell of iron and other metals. It wasn't long until the boy noticed that Y/N was in fact staring at him, that's when the scowl that was originally aimed at the pink haired boy, shifted over to Y/N.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE STARING AT!" He shouted in Y/N's direction, alerted at the fact that they were in fact staring and shifts there gaze over to the bar where they spot Laxus sitting at the bar talking to the Makarov. They then sat down in the stool next to Laxus and placed their bag in-between their legs.

"Hey, feeling better after a nice shower?" Laxus asked, as Makarov walks away, turning his head to look at them, they looked up and smiled.

"Much," they responded quietly, Laxus then leaned backward to look behind Y/N, resulting in Y/N to turn to see what it is that Laxus is looking at, that's when they see they spiky haired boy marching towards them with a serious look on his face.

"Who do you think you are?" The boy spat in their face, "Who do you think you are coming in here, staring at me then ignoring me?" He asked again.

"Settle down there Gajeel, I'm sure Y/N here didn't mean to stare at that ugly mug of yours," Laxus said defending their honour and insulting Gajeel in one go. With that Gajeel's face turns from that of a growl to that of a smirk, he then starts sniffing the air that surrounds the two. "What do you think your sniffing at?" Laxus says to the boy in a harsh tone.

"Are you two dating or somat?" He asks, sounding genuinely interested, causing the pair to look at each other confused then look back at the boy. "YO NATUS, COME OVER HERE A SEC, WE NEED THAT BIG NOSE OF YOURS!" He shouts over to the pink haired boy of which he was previously arguing with, his words trigger a reaction from the boy but not quite loud enough to hear before he begins his walk over. "Do these two smell the same to you?" He asks as the pink haired boy nears. It was a matter of seconds until the pink haired boy also begins to intensity sniff the two.

"Hey! Back odd will ya!" Laxus spat.

"YEAH!" Natsu says a little too loud and aggressively, "you're right they do!" He continues, this time lowering his volume to a less dealing one.

"Werid!" Both Natsu and Gajeel say in sync before beginning to argue about who copied off who and walking away to fight it out. Y/N and Laxus then turned to face each other to chuckle about the situation that had just occurred, that's when Y/N felt something move against their leg.

As they looked down to check what it was that they felt against their leg, they noticed it happen again, this time their eyes were already looking down so managed to catch it happening. It was their bag in-between their legs. It was shaking.

"What the hell have you got in there?" Laxus asked clearly noticing their head go down and looked to see why. That's when Y/N decided to pick up the bag and place it on there knee. Laxus peered around to notice more and more people stop what they are doing to sneak a peek of the moving bag, all curious as to what the contents are. Laxus soon decided it would be best to have a conversation in private about what the bag holds, encase its dangerous or even just private. That's when Laxus grabbed Y/ N by the elbow and practically drag them into the masters office. Without exchanging a single word, Y/N then takes a seat and puts the bag back on their knee, while Laxus stares intently while leaning on the desk. Moments later Y/N pulls out an oversized egg, that is about 30cm tall. The egg was a kind of off white colour and it had black and green lines going up it in a strange pattern, in the middle of one of the black lines laid a gold speck that was skinnier than any coin that Laxus had ever seen.

While looking in awe at the egg, it begin to wobble again, this time more aggressive, with it being out of the bag, there was nothing for Y/N to hold on too. The egg fell to the floor as if in slow motion with Y/N diving off of the chair in an attempt to save it, however it wasn't long until they heard it.


The egg made contact with the floor and smashed into hundreds of little pieces, then Y/N followed causing the egg so shattered into even more pieces.

Sitting up Y/N's eyes began to water, either injured or just devastated that the thing they that taken care of for months had just fallen to the floor and smashed. That's when something furry hopped into Y/N's arms, without even looking Y/N buried their face into the fluff below them.

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