Chapter Six

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The three woke up at dust, and began the walk to the train station in the cold morning air, it was still dark so the streets were quiet, the sun was beginning to rise over the buildings and the lights reflected on the still river. Y/N and Laxus walked side by side, with Mabel asleep in Y/N's arms. Y/N was dressed in a pair of green trousers and and black button down shirt with the top two buttons undone, while Laxus was dressed in his usual black leather trousers, purple shirt and his black coat with the fur around the edges. Mabel had taken to wearing a knitted black turtle necked jumper which Y/N had knitted for Laxus when attempting to learn how to knit, the jumper that was supposed to be in laxus' size turned out to be tiny as Y/N had misread the pattern. As the two walked sleepily they came to a corner, in their tiredness Y/N crashed into Laxus on the corner

"S-sorry" Y/N mumbled, but wasn't hear over the loud groan that Mabel released after been rudely awoken by an elbow to the face as they crashed into Laxus. Laxus seeming unfazed by the incident, produced a small smile by the grumpiness of the kitten. He then took off his coat and draped it over Y/N's shoulder, surprising Y/N with the added weight onto their small frame, Laxus had noticed how cold Y/N's arms where when they had touched. Before Y/N could react, they had arrived at the station, they then checked board to see what platform they needed to be on, the station was empty except for a couple of people dotted around. As they approached their platform, the station which at first appeared to be silent and empty, began to get louder, the closer they got the more distinct the noise became, they began to hear voices as if someone was arguing. As they got to the platform the voices became all too familiar to them, they then saw the members of fairy tail's "Strongest Team" arguing and stood around, also waiting for the train.

"YO LAXUS, Y/N OVER HERE" Natsu shouted waving his arms dramatically gesturing for them to join them. Laxus groaned as they approached the team, clearly wanting a quiet morning, which was now no longer going to occur.

After talking to the group they had discovered that the team had also taken a job in the same town, the job that they had taken was quite simple in comparison to that that Laxus and Y/N had decided to take, theirs consisted of guard duty to a house of a rich man who had to travel away, the man had been burgled in the past and now no longer trusted his neighbours when he was away. The group had offered their assistance to the three since they was in the area anyway. The train had arrived and the groups had gotten on, Nastu's team all went in one carriage and Y/N, Laxus and Mabel had gone into another due to the limited space that they provided. The train soon started and they could hear the instant groaning of Natsu being sick in the cabin next to them. After a couple of minutes Y/N had begun to feel slightly off their self and decided to keep quiet and try to get some sleep. In failing to sleep Y/N had sat up and decided to open the window to get some fresh air, they noticed that Laxus had gone two shades paler than he usually was and had almost begun to turn green, he was almost laying across the seat and had his eyes shut tight.

"Are you feeling okay Laxus?" Y/N asked quietly not quite knowing if he had fallen asleep or was just trying to make himself feel better. Laxus replied without opening his eyes by simply nodding at Y/N clearly not feeling himself and not feeling well enough to talk. Y/N then sat back down and pet Mabel in an attempt to distract them self from the ill feeling, deep in their stomach. The train journey was expected to last an hour and a half and at this point they were only ten minutes in. After another couple of minutes, in an attempt get away from a puking Natsu, Erza came into the cabin that Laxus, Y/N and Mabel had occupied.

"Honestly how can someone get so sick from one little train" she says shaking her head and closing the door, not noticing the other two dragon slayers in the room attempting to not be sick themselves. As Erza turned around she soon noticed the difference in colour that the two presented. "Oh, I see." Erza walked over to Y/N and extended a hand, "Let's go for a walk, its clear he's not going to feel better but some fresh air might help you Y/N." With that Y/N put Mabel on their head before reaching out and taking Erza's hand, the two then walked a short distance to the end of the carriage to the outside bit, the fresh air however didn't help Y/N feel better and instead they began to feel worse, they hung their head over the side of the rails before being sick, Erza then took this opportunity to punch Y/N, knocking her out in one punch.

Upon waking up Y/N found that they were no longer on the train, and that they were instead laid on a bench in a train station. They began to sit up and look around, they noticed: Laxus was arguing with Erza, Lucy, Gray and Wendy were nowhere to be seen and Natsu was laid on the floor in front of the bench, complaining how the world was spinning.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" a voice said, they turned around and saw Wendy, Gray and Lucy walking back towards the group with bottles of water and snacks.

"A lot better now, thanks," Y/N said, this caught Laxus' attention and he quickly stopped arguing with Erza and stood by their side and put a hand on Y/N's back and began to rub it to try and comfort them. Lucy then handed a bottle of water to Y/N and Laxus who gladly accepted and began to drink from it.

"We should get going to meet our client," Laxus said picking up the bags that they had brought with them, then proceeding to pick up Mabel and extend his other hand to help pull up Y/N, once they were up he let go of their hand and started to walk away, waving goodbye to the group. Y/N then said their goodbyes before running a little to catch up to Laxus.

"I can carry my own things you know," Y/N said giving a little pout, as they felt useless making Laxus carry everything, with that Laxus handed Mabel to Y/N to carry. Mabel got comfy in Y/N's arms and began to look around, taking in their surroundings and the new sights that were available to view.

It wasn't long until they reached a moderately sized building made of some kind of white bricks, it had a grand double door entrance and then two then went inside to see a main room with a circular desk in the middle of it, Laxus walked up to the desk.

"We're here to see the major about the request he posted," the receptionist then nodded and turned around to a communication lacrima, a couple of seconds later she turned back around.

"Second door on your left," she said pointing to a corridor next to them. They walked through and entered a large room with a large desk in the middle of it, sat at the desk was a rather large woman with dark hair, she was in a blue dress and was writing something on a piece of paper, and had seemed to have not notice the three walk in.

"Excuse me, we're wizards from fairy tail, we've come regarding the request you posted in our guild hall." The lady then looked up at Laxus and instead of saying anything slid over a piece of paper, Laxus then walked over to it and picked it up, he then nodded to himself before walking back to Y/N and Mabel. "We'll be back when the job is done." The lady then nodded and the three then proceeded to walk out of the room. The two then walked to a nearby inn and got a room, to save money the two got one double room and decided to just share a bed as they have done it on occasion before. "The note says that there's monsters that invade on a night time and then return to the island nearby in which they come from, I suggest that we get unpacked and get something to eat then about an hour before sunset set off to the island to scout it out before they attack." Y/N then nodded and then did just that, they unpacked, showered then set off out, they found themselves at a nearby café and began to eat, before they knew it, it was time to set off to the island.

The boat ride over to the island was quick, only lasted five minutes but few were willing to take them to the island that late, so they had to rent a boat to take them instead. The two then decided that they needed assistance and called for Lucy and Gray to join them, the others staying in order to complete their job as well. Gray then rowed the boat allowing Y/N and Laxus to be able to relax as much as they could with their stomachs doing summersaults. When they arrived on the island, they only had fifteen minutes until sun set. They looked around and saw millions of large boulder type things.

"There doesn't seem to be anything here, thank God," Lucy sighed in relief taking Mabel off of Y/N. While Lucy began to relax, the other still had their guard up, not able to feel at ease. Time begun to pass as the group began to explore the island, the sun going further down by the minute. The group noticed and gathered to watch it, it wasn't long until the sun had completely set. "What now?" Lucy asked, worry in her voice, then the "boulders" began to shake, almost as if they were alive.

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