Chapter Nine

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Once at home, Laxus tucked Y/N into bed before taking his top and trousers off and heading off to bed in his boxers. Ten minutes later Laxus heard a noise, he had been listening out encase Y/N needed his help, moments later his bedroom door flew open and Y/N came staggering into the room.

"LAXUSSS!!" Y/N said as they staggered over towards the bed that Laxus was laid on. "LLAXUUSSS" Y/N said in a loud whisper this time, proceeding to dive the rest of the way to the bed, causing Laxus to grunt as Y/N landed on his chest, their small figure made it so they never even covered half of Laxus.

"You good?" Laxus said, patting Y/N on the head. Laxus waited for a reply but when none was heard he got worried. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He tried again, this time however he heard all of the response he needed, in the form of a couple of light snores. Laxus wasn't entirely sure what to do, he then wrapped his arms around Y/N and rolled over to flip Y/N over to the other side of the bed, however now he was faced with a new issue, he now had his arm stuck underneath a sleeping Y/N. He decided that it wasn't worth the hassle and just decided to go to sleep.

During the night, Y/N woke up with a sharp pain in their ribs, they instantly clutched their side and rolled over and into the foetal position, they squeezed their eyes shut and started praying for the pain to be over, they started to try and listen out for any noise they could hear in an attempt to distract themselves. That's when they heard breathing behind them, they then rolled back over to see that they were face to face with a sleeping Laxus. He looked peaceful, he was laid with one arm underneath Y/N and the other arm tucked under his cheek, Y/N noticed that he wasn't under the cover and that they had actually stolen most of it during the night. Y/N noticed that he was beginning to grow stubble on his face, Y/N wondered if it was spikey so raised their hand towards him, this movement resulted in a sudden spike of pain in their side, they let out a small yelp and retreated in on themself in an attempt to ease the pain.

Laxus woke up after hearing a yelp, he then felt something soft on his chest, he opened his eyes and looked to see what it was, that's when he remembered Y/N bursting in the room when they were drugged up last night before falling asleep on his chest.

"Hey," Laxus said his voice raspy with just waking up, "Hey, have the pain killers wore off?" he asks stroking Y/N hair in an attempt to comfort them. They then shook their head before whimpering again due to the pain in their ribs. Laxus thought for a second before he realised exactly what to do, he got up and went to the kitchen, he grabbed some sleeping pills, some pain killers and a glass of water, then he grabbed a hot water bottle before returning to Y/N.

"Here take these," he said putting the tablets and the water on the bedside table before grabbing both of Y/N's hands and helping them sit up before handing them the glass of water and the pills again, while they were taking the pills, Laxus up the hot water bottle on their side and held it there in an attempt to relax the muscles and allow the ribs to heal, with Wendy's healing magic they should be healed in a couple of days anyway, it was just about making the pain bearable for the mean time. Y/N then nodded a thank you at Laxus before handing him the glass and laying back down on their back

"Do you think this is how we know we're alive?" Y/N stated making eye contact with Laxus as they laid back down in the bed. This lead Laxus to give a confused look as he put the glass on the table and laying down in the bed next to Y/N so he could face them. "By pain," Y/N said turning to face Laxus "Well all living things feel pain, it allows us to know what we have done has caused us harm, its what stops us from putting on hands into flames, it's like a safety mechanism for us and animals alike. If you follow that logic everything that is alive can feel pain, from animals to plants, I would say its safe to say that its a way to distinguish animate from inanimate." Laxus just looked at Y/N like they were crazy, he laughed and placed his hand on their face, it covered most of their face and he pushed slightly and gave a small laugh.

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