Chapter Ten

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The group happily ate their breakfast around the breakfast bar and engaged in some light chit chat about the recent job that the thunder legion had embarked on. Y/N mainly stayed quiet while the team had a good catch up, they sat there and was playing with their food while in their own world.

"Dragon!" Y/N heard, that quickly bought Y/N back to Earth Land.

"What was that sorry?" Y/N said, making everyone jump a little.

"We were just saying that when we were on our way back we heard of a dragon sighting, we actually stayed an extra couple of days to find out more but we believe it was a hoax." Evergreen explained again. Y/N nodded and looked back down at their food. The group continued to talk and eat for a while. Once they was finished Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen ran ahead to the guild hall, leaving the kitchen quiet again with just Laxus and Y/N to clean it.

"So they're your friends then," Y/N said to break the silence

"Yeah, they can be annoying but they're like family now, I mean we've been together for the longest time." They continued to clean up and then walked into the living room to sit down. "We should go to the guild soon, going to need to do some more jobs if we're to get Mabel that implant," he said standing back up. "Are you ready to do another job? I mean I know your not fully healed from the last one but we can take an easier one this time, and if we take the thunder legion with us then there's even less chance you'll get hurt!" Y/N stayed quiet still but gave Laxus a small nod as they got up and started to put their shoes on. "Okay then." The two started their walk to the guild hall and walked side by side by the river.

"COMING THROUGH!!!" a voice screeched, their pair jumped back to allow the stranger to pass through, the pair both looked to see who it was that was in such a hurry. That is when Y/N noticed it, the signature ginger hair on the young man. Lost in thought Y/N never realised that their back foot was stood over the edge of the river.

SPLASH!! Y/N had stumbled backwards and into the cold river water, Laxus being the hero he thinks he is, ran over to the edge of the river and reached his arm towards Y/N to help them get out of the river. Y/N reached forward as well and grabbed his hand, that when they decided to pull Laxus into the river with them. Not accounting for his size, Y/N had unconsciously pulled Laxus on top of them.

"Ouch!" Y/N exclaimed rubbing their head after having the full weight of Laxus land on top of it.

"That's what you get for messing around!" Laxus said with a chuckle. The two exchanged a toothy grin. The water level in the river then drastically raised, catching the notice of the locals passing by as they was soon stood in a low level of water, Y/N then simply sat on the edge of the river bank and stood up, they then pulled Laxus over to the edge and helped him up. Once the two was stood up the water crashed back down to the river and the pair as well as the pavement was bone dry. Laxus looked around in confusion "Was that your magic?" he asked.

"Yeah, it can come in useful don't you think?" Y/N said rubbing the back of their head awkwardly. In the distance Y/N spotted something flying towards the two, it was Mabel, she had finally woken up and flown out of the window to catch up to the pair. Mabel then jumped into Y/N's arms and began to play the bottom of Y/N's shirt. Y/N looked down and realised, they still didn't have any of their own clothes, they had been wearing Freed's trousers a mixture of Laxus' and Freed's shirts, Laxus' of course was too big and could have been worn as a dress. Y/N then stopped in their tracks. "Hey, how much money did we get for that last job??" Y/N asked.

"Erm, 6 million I believe"

"Is that alot?" Y/N asked, Laxus replied with a nod. "Do you think we could go shopping today then? It would be nice to have to have some of my own clothes." Laxus then nodded and turned around and started walking back on his self. Y/N still wasn't aware of the layout of the town, they had only even been to Laxus' place, the guild hall and the Trainstation. Y/N ran a little to catch up to Laxus, the pair then headed back home. "Why have we come back?" Y/N asked in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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