Don't do it

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It was a stormy evening in New York. The six friends sat in the coffee shop chatting away as usual. The day was coming to an end as the sun was starting to set. Monica was sitting in Chandler's lap on the sofa and the other four were cramped up together on the big orange couch. But no one wanted to move because it was cozy. 

"So, Joe," Chandler started to say, "Anything new in the acting world.

"Nah," he shook his head with a glum look on his face, "I don't get it, I should've had my big break by now."

"Oh Joey," Rachel leaned over Phoebe to touch his leg, "It'll come. Something big and perfect is out there for you," she smiled weakly. If she was perfectly honest with herself, she started losing a little bit of faith. She's known Joey for four years but he's been at it this for longer. He was a good actor but maybe this world wasn't cut out for him.

"Thanks Rach, but it still sucks. I mean," he started, looking up at everyone, "Okay, I have something to confess to you guys."

The room temperature dropped all of a sudden and everyone looked at Joey curiously. Rachel has never seen him so concerned. Joey was always so carefree and unserious. 

"I've been thinking about moving out L.A." he admitted, his head bowed.

"What?" everyone said in unison. 

"Are you serious?" Monica asked.

"Yeah, I mean all of you have your life figured out. You're a great head chef at an amazing restaurant and you have Chandler, which let's be real he's it for you. And you Chandler, she's it for you. Ross you've always had a great job plus you have a child, although it's with a lesbian it still counts."

"Thanks Joe," Ross smiled at him painfully. Joey just shrugged his shoulders and carried on.

"Doesn't matter you still have a great girlfriend, Emily," he explained further. Rachel felt a pang in her heart at the mention of Ross's girlfriend. They broke up for a reason but it didn't mean she wasn't still in love with him. She has tried to forget about what they had. But it was a bit difficult given that they saw each other every day. Ross looks really happy with his girlfriend and it looked like she was it for him. Rachel just wishes sometimes that it was her that went with Emily to the show and not Ross.

"And you Rachel, you have this amazing job at Ralph Lauren,"Joey brought her back from her thoughts, "And who knows, this Joshua guy seems promising."

Now there was another pang in her heart. She didn't like Joshua, she broke up with him last week. He was just another guy to screw to get over being screwed. It also didn't help her feelings that she was extremely close to Ross. Basically leaning up against his chest. Butterflies were erupting in her stomach, His scent was just too captivating. 

"What about me though," Phoebe interrupted, "I don't have anyone nor do I have anything figured out."

"Oh Phoebe," Joey smiled at her brightly, "You've always had things figured out. That's one of the many things I admire about you Pheebs."

"Admire, that's a big word for you Joe," Chandler tried to joke but was rewarded by a slap on the chest from Monica.

"I don't know I just feel like I'm stuck in one place all the time."

Rachel zoned out at this point. She wasn't being a really good friend right now but she couldn't help but think about what Joey said. Sure she has an amazing job but she would've thought she'd find someone by now fall in love and that would be it. She found that love. It was sitting right beside her, if it weren't for that Emily chick she would be thinking of asking him about a second chance. 

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