when he asked you out

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you and zoro where sitting in the crows nest when he just smiled at you. "whats got you so smily." you asked him and he smiled again sitting next to you. "just remembering how excited you got when i asked you out." he smiled. "oh really cause when i think of that i can remember how nervous you where the whole day." you said smiling back at him. "really, i wasn't that nervous." he said reassuring himself. "your hands where shaking." you turned to him giggling a little. "alright then why don't you tell me the story." he said and he laid down on your lap smiling up at you. "sounds great, lets see." you said as you began the story.


you had just come out of the girls bedroom first thing in the morning. "morning (y/n)-swan, we landed on an island while you where asleep, sorry to say you have ship duty with zoro today." sanji let you know and you smiled at him "thank you sanji, have fun on the island." you said to him as he left the ship. "no problem, don't let zoro miss out on anything." he said and you where confused but didn't matter much. "aright" you mumbled to your self. "where is zoro anyways." you asked yourself checking the kitchen and the bedroom not there.

you went up the ladder to the crows nest and seen zoro working out as usual but something was a little off. "hey there you are." you said and you noticed zoro jump a little. "you ok" you asked him. "yeah i'm just thinking thats all how are you today so far." he asked and you could see his weight was slightly trembling. "uh, i'm great how about you, are you alright." you asked sitting on the bench slightly concerned about the trembling weights in the green haired mans hands. "yeah i'm fine and i'm great too, just thinking about something." he repeated. "if your tired you should take a break." you suggested and he gladly took up your offer. "yeah i-uh, that'd be-uh, yeah." he stumbled with his words.

*pause in flashback*

i was not shaking that bad was i." zoro asked you still smiling at you. "yes you where now let me finish the story." you said and he zipped his lips and handed you the key.

*continue flashback*

zoro had wiped off his sweat and put his shirt back on and sat next to you. "your sure you don't have a problem we can go down and let you rest in choppers office if you need it." you asked him and he shook his head no slightly out of breath. "i had been planning to do something for a while but when it comes down to it i'm not even sure if i can." he said and this made you smile. "well if i can be of any help just let me know." you smiled at him and he smiled back you noticed his hands where shaking still and you grew concerned. "are you nervous about something." you asked him. "yeah a little, but i have to do it today or i may never get a chance again." he said brushing his hair with his shaking hands.

"(y/n), i've had this strange breath taking feeling for a while every time this happens i think of the life i want to live and it would all start today if i'm lucky." he said and you smiled at him. "well we'v all seen just how lucky you are kitetsu, puma, hawkeye." you listed mostly near-death experiences. "thats true." he said smiling at you. "but i lets see if the luck is on my side again." he said turning your direction smiling at you making you smile a little and slightly blush. "(y/n), i love you will you go out with me, please." he asked and you got really excited you put your hands to your face and smiled really big and blushed. "absolutely no doubt yes." you said and he stopped shaking and he kissed your check. you smiled and kissed his lips softly making him blush.

*end of flash back*

"and that was what had happened." you finished and he smiled at you. "now i remember." he smiled at you. "i just told you silly." you smiled down at him. "thats not what i meant, i meant something else." he smiled. "then what did you mean." you asked. "the reason i fell in love with you." he said making you smile brighter and he smiled at you to. he leaned up a little enough for your noses to touch. he leaned his head to the side a little telling you he wanted a kiss. usually you would turn for him to kiss your check or tease him by pulling away when he tried to advance. you where about to pull back when you felt his hand on the back of your neck as he smirked and pulled you into a kiss both of you smiling under it.

the end

(great idea and wow a longer one thank you creativity hour.)

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