I have a girlfriend

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it was getting later and zoro was getting more silly as the night of drinking went on. after a few more drinks you decided to call it and took his hand leading him out of the bar. "alright mister tipsy time to head home." you told him and he pouted but followed you slightly pulling him by the hand making sure he didn't run into people or anything. stumbling behind you he was humming binks' brew as he walked/stumbled.

by the time you got him to the ship he didn't want to hold your hand anymore and you where confused but went along with him anyways. "alright come on we have to clean you up." you said and you brought him to the room you shared specially made by franky. when you got to the bedroom zoro crossed his arms and said no a few times. "come on take off your shirt and go to bed." you asked him tugging at his shirt a little. "no" he took away your hand and crossed his arms over his shirt and chest. "i can't." he said pouting sitting on the couch. "i'll stay here and you can have the bed." he said pointing to the bed. "why don't you wanna sleep with me." you asked slightly offended. "cause thats bad." he said. "why." you asked. "cause" he said not answering your question at all. you knew how zoro liked to get a little touchy feely when he was buzzed so you got an idea.

"what if i gave you a kiss would you take off your shirt for me then." you asked. "no, you can't kiss me." he said and you pouted walking over to him anyways. "come on not even a little kiss." you asked pecking his check and he looked almost serious. "no" he said still crossing his arms. "not even if i bite your ear or..." you trailed off and went to kiss his ear but he backed away from you. "whats with you." you asked quietly and he set you aside from him. "i'm not gunna be bad." he said.

"i'm so confused whats bad about kissing me why can't i kiss you or sleep with me." you said and he laid on the couch and smiled so brightly you where surprised. "cause i have a girlfriend and i won't hurt her." he said. shocked you felt like hitting him and yelling to knock off the act but you well knew he wasn't acting what so ever.

"she's smart, beautiful, kind hearted, all around fun to be with, funny, strong, and the most part she's mine and thats the thing i don't wanna mess up, she's mine and i'm hers and i wouldn't have it any other way." he smiled. you where still a little shocked so you just stood up and smiled a little. "alright heres a clean shirt i'm gunna change into pj's and then your sleeping here and i'm going to bed." you smiled and he then gladly changed his shirt and laid down on the couch. you tossed him a blanket and laid down in the bed you usually shared.

(small time skip)

*about 3 am*

you tossed over to hear zoro grumbling. "what the hell" he whispered looking your direction. you didn't get up or adjust just ignored him and wanted to fall back asleep. you could hear zoro taking off his shoes witch earlier he never did. you heard him come over to the bed and felt pressure on the side and he climbed in with you. "hey, you're not mad at me are you." he whispered and you smiled. "why would i be mad at you." you asked sleepily. "i sleep on the couch when your made at me." he said sadly. "no, just cause you love me so much." you smiled at him and he snuggled into you and you into him. "what gave you that idea." he teased.

"before you fell asleep you did the most amazing thing in the world." you said. "and that was." he asked kissing your forehead. "you said you loved me and that i was yours and you where mine and that you wouldn't do anything to mess that up, therefore you are the greatest ever." you said snuggling into his chest then again falling asleep into his arms as he whispered "i love you" and giving you one more forehead kiss before falling asleep to the love of his life.

the end.

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