Chapter 9

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I slowly approached the gate, braced myself for the hell i was about to possibly face in the next 8 hours shift.

" Good afternoon Ma'am," I greeted Senior cabin Crew Farah. And if you couldn't make the connection by now, Farah is Sarah's Twin sister who joined the airline before Sarah did. Although both of them were seniors to me, Farah was even more senior to Sarah in terms of corporate management.

" Well well well, Jino. It's been a long time since I last saw you. I heard you made my little sister cry, is that true? " Farah asked me.

I decided to tell her the truth and that i already have someone else in my heart, " actually Ma'am, I have a girlfriend and although I knew Sarah had feelings for me, i didn't really confront her about it and when she found out that I was seeing someone, she hit me in the face with her bag while i was half unconscious".

" She did what? - OKAY. Let me talk to her about it, this is really childish. And You! Get to work, it's a 15 hour flight, bear in mind we do have DHC amongst the passengers today" Farah replied.

"Ma'am, Will the DHC be taking the halftime duty Ma'am?" I asked about the DeadHead Crew.

" No, they're the ones bringing this plane back tomorrow morning." she replied.

I nodded my head and began looking through the PNL i received from Farah.

Fast forward to arrival in Los Angeles

As soon as I got out of the Airport terminal, I called Mina. She didn't pick up, go figure. It was 4pm in LA and in Singapore it would be 8am. I hailed down a cab and headed to the hotel that Singapore Airlines assigned to the crew. The hotel that made agreements with the airline was Courtyard by Marriott Los Angeles and the rooms were quite decent and within walking distance to Hollywood Boulevard. After Checking into my assigned room, I unpacked my luggage, changed into comfortable clothes and popped a melatonin pill before sleeping most of the morning and evening.

Skips to dinner

" Fuck that's some good stuff " i cursed out my delight in indulging into authentic Mexican food.

I quickly ate my burrito and gulped down the can of Coke that I bought together with the burrito set meal. For 17 bucks I got an XL chicken burrito, fries with Mexican flavors and coke, that's a steal in my eyes. I left the Mexican diner around 8pm before i headed to the shopping district of LA to buy some pairs of Levi's because they're extremely cheap here, 25USD - 30USD for a pair as compared to the price of the same pair of jeans in Levi's Singapore which is just pure bullshittery. I walked out of the Levi's store with 3 pairs of Levi 501s and a wide smile on my face. I was deciding on going to either a Nike outlet store to purchase a pair or two of Jordan 1s when suddenly my phone vibrated through the back pocket of my jeans on the left side of my butt. I had high hopes that it would be Mina that was calling me but it wasn't her; it was Sarah. Nevertheless i answered the call,

" Hey... it's me... Can we talk? "

" Yeah, What's up? "

" I heard you told my sister about what happened "

" Yeah? So what if I did ? ''I said in a cold tone.

" I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable whenever we're together. I just really really really like you Jino. I just couldn't seem to let you go and whenever we worked together, our colleagues have mentioned many times that we look cute together and that got my hopes up. I'm sorry it ended up this way. "

" What do you mean by that Sarah? Nothing ended, we're still friends. I like you Sarah but not in the same way you like me. I like being friends with you. It just never went across in my mind that you would be anything more than just, A Friend. "

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