Chapter 3: Breakthroughs

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Lux was walking back in the direction of the heart of the city, looking down at her feet, when Powder finally crested the hill, beholding the long, winding pathway of Monument Road. Countless statues lined the pathway on either side, figures of the prominent Demacians who had served the throne (and, almost always, died in its protection). There was a towering statue towards the far end, a massive figure carved of white stone with two large, golden wings; Powder had heard tale of the Petricite Titan even in Piltover, a marvel of the modern world. It was an interesting part of the city, if a bit morbid and unsettling, but Powder had neither the time nor energy to spare for it.

"I... came as quickly... just got home..." Powder said between gasps; she had struggled to find Monument Road in her haste, and had spent a great deal of time running back and forth through the city.

"Powder! I thought you'd... never mind," Lux said, looking both relieved and yet more tense than a moment before. "Come on, let's go a bit further down, we need to make sure we're alone."

Powder followed behind Lux, catching her breath slowly. She stole a glance at several of the monuments as they passed; each seemed more imposing than the last. They stopped beneath a large statue of a stern-faced man, holding a large greatsword; the name upon the statue read "Fossian Crownguard"; the likeness was close enough to Lux's brother, down even to the cut of his hair, to send a shiver down Powder's spine. Lux turned and crossed her arms, not looking at Powder.

"This... what I'm about to tell you is not to be discussed with anyone, understood?" Lux said. Powder nodded, fighting back the temptation to just blurt out that she already knew what Lux wanted to share; even in her sleep-deprived state, she knew that it would only cause complications. Lux took a deep breath and continued. "Ever since I was a child, I've had... an affinity towards magic. Not by choice, far from it in fact, but I could... do things that others couldn't. I could make light out of nothingness, everything from tiny little sparks to huge flashes. It was... it is beautiful, in a way, but as I got older, it also became more powerful. I've never had any training, and it's become... unstable at times. If I become too upset, then I can't control it." She spoke frantically, as if the dam had burst and her long-repressed thoughts were roaring through her. "And magic in Demacia is treated as some horrible affliction, magicborn can be torn away from their family, they can even be imprisoned for life, especially those who don't declare themselves... like me."

"But... why not reveal yourself, then? If it's just a matter of telling them, why not do that?" Powder asked.

"I'd lose everything, Powder. Everything," Lux said, raising her arms in exasperation. "I'd either be forced to join the Mageseekers and hunt down people like myself, or... if I refused, I'd be locked away forever. They might even lock me away anyway, for hiding my abilities for so long. Not to mention the shame I would bring my house regardless, for my mother to have given birth to a..." Lux trailed off.

"Alright, well, I... I'm glad you told me," Powder said. "And your note, the emergency, it's..."

"Someone knows," Lux said, looking up, finally looking Powder in the eye. Powder had seen Trenchers facing the wrath of the chem-barons who'd looked less terrified than Lux did. "Someone left me a letter last night, it just said that they knew what I was and that if I didn't follow their demands... they'd notify the Mageseekers."

"Shit," Powder said softly. "So what were their demands?"

"There weren't any yet, they said they would send another letter soon," Lux said. "But even if I give them what they want, they could still turn me in. Even if I exposed their blackmail, they could still take me down with them. I need... I need your help, Powder." Tears brimmed in Lux's eyes.

A Piltover Academy Student in Demacia (Lux/Jinx)Where stories live. Discover now