Chapter 5: Memories

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"Dear Powder,

We all hope that you are doing well. It was good to hear from you, and we're glad that your journey was safe and without incident. It's unfortunate that the king has taken such an antagonistic stance against your work, especially given the numerous mutual benefits. However, knowing how smart the three of you are, you'll certainly win him over to your side eventually. Besides, as you said, it was the Demacians who were the most eager to establish the trade route in the first place, so it's likely only a matter of time before they come around.

Things have been somewhat tumultuous here. That might not capture the true gravity of the situation as it existed at the time, admittedly, but I want to reassure you that things are okay now. Both Vi and myself (this is Caitlyn writing this letter, though I suspect you already figured that out) are doing fine now, and there's no further danger, so please keep that in mind as you read on.

There was an incident several days after you departed for Demacia; a Noxian assassin attacked us, for reasons too complicated to explain in this letter. During the attack, Vi was stabbed pretty badly, though we were able to stop the assassin and survive thanks to Vi's actions. She had to be hospitalized for a couple weeks and is still on the mend, but she's expected to make a full recovery. It was a close call, to be certain, but she should be back to normal in no time at all. For now, she's resting up with my family; my father has taken it upon himself to ensure she's properly cared for, and though I admit I might be biased on the matter, I feel confident in saying that she couldn't be in better hands.

I know that this must be extremely hard to find out about, especially in a letter. I wish there was another way that we could've told you what happened, that one or both of us could've told you in-person, but we felt it would be for the best that you heard it from us before it became gossip throughout the Great City (the assassin was well-known and greatly feared in Demacia, and I suspect the news will spread quickly once it arrives). I know that you might be worried about Vi's safety, but I can assure you that the assassin will not be a threat to Vi or anyone else ever again.

I'm so sorry that our first message to you is one of grim tidings. I imagine you have questions or worries, so please write us back as soon as you can, and we'll answer them as quickly as possible.

With all our love,

Caitlyn & Vi

P.S. Vi insisted that she dictate an addendum to the letter:

Hey Pow-Pow. I know all this shit is probably going to freak you out real bad, so I just wanted to assure you that everything really is ok, alright? I'm not going anywhere, especially not because of some asshole with a knife. Trust me, I'll be there at the docks waiting for you when you come home, just like I said I'd be. So don't worry yourself into a breakdown about me, I promise I'll be fine. Also, I know you're probably gonna worry yourself into a breakdown no matter what I say, so talk to Viktor, or Jayce, or even someone else if you've made a friend. Just don't bottle it up and try and work through it, we both know that only works for so long and never ends well.

Also, I needed Cait to add this part because she failed to say anything about this news regarding Lux, which I'm not gonna lie, is far more interesting than some stupid stab wound. No pressure to tell us what's happening there, though it might help me feel better, just saying.

Anyway, I hope you're doing alright out there. Let us know if we can do anything or send anything that'll help.

Lots of love,


Powder wiped her face as Sona placed the letter between them on the bed. She pulled her knees up to her chest, compacting herself into a ball; she wished she could make herself even smaller, so small that the world couldn't find her anymore to inflict more pain and torment. She felt so broken, utterly and entirely; she couldn't imagine being able to handle anything more, though it felt like the next nightmare was already lurking around the corner.

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