Chapter 2

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"I clearly told you that I want you to be my lover!"

Huh?! What on earth is this heroine expressing now?!!! Hold on- this specific moment, Jungcock, you're being utterly clueless! Where are you when you're needed the most? This is a pivotal plot scene that demands your presence!!

"Pardon me? Could you kindly reiterate that?" I inquire, a quizzical expression etched on my face as I gaze at her, utterly perplexed by the unexpected turn of events.

"I demand you be my lover!" She asserts, her tone cutting through the mundane atmosphere of my lunchtime sanctuary.

Confusion swirls in my mind as I attempt to make sense of the unexpected intrusion.

All I wanted was a peaceful lunch, yet here I am, faced with this surreal demand.

The person before me seems to revel in chaos, and I can't help but label her as an unwelcome disruptor.

In my exasperation, a name involuntarily escapes my lips, 'Jungcock, you bitch!' The lunchtime tranquility shattered, replaced by an unusual confrontation.

My mind races with thoughts of revenge, a promise to unleash my frustration on this unexpected tormentor.

Oh, the audacity! The audacity to disrupt my peace and demand affection with such intensity.

A fire of determination ignites within me. 'Wait till I find you!' I mutter under my breath, my mind already concocting imaginative schemes of retribution.

In the grand theater of life, this unexpected encounter becomes a catalyst for an impending showdown.

A promise to trim his metaphorical feathers, leaving him with a symbolically bald head.

The lunchtime saga unfolds, transforming an ordinary meal into a battleground of unforeseen consequences.

Little did I know that the quest for a peaceful lunch would lead me into a skirmish with an unexpected protagonist.

As I ponder the absurdity of the situation, the stage is set for a bizarre tale of lunchtime chaos, revenge, and the pursuit of tranquility in the face of an uninvited lover's demand.

"Even if you're saying that, we've just met, right? Aren't you concerned about potential risks?" I expressed, attempting to sway her decision.

"Are you planning to harm me?" she inquired, her brown eyes fixed on me.

"No, why would I?" I countered, to which she simply smirked.

"You claimed you won't harm me, so rejoice, you're now captivated by the charm of this stunning woman." she declared, sassily flipping her hair.

Ugh, this feels like a cliché plot twist, the protagonist's biggest predicament, and now I find myself entangled in it! Why is this happening to me, oh heavens? I'm not the protagonist! Jungkook is!


Exhaustion overwhelmed me; little did I anticipate that chaos would ensue with Heroine dogging my every step. Now, where on earth is Jungcock? I'm at the point where I might just snap his neck!


I let out an involuntary yelp as someone unexpectedly clamped down on my shoulder from behind.

"The heck?! Jungcock! Where have you been!?" I exclaimed, my hand instinctively gripping my chest as I faced him.

"In the cafeteria? You were taking an eternity in the restroom, so I decided to grab something to eat first." he nonchalantly explained.

The day seemed to have taken a wild turn, and my frustration with Jungcock's nonchalant attitude was escalating.

The unexpected encounter, coupled with the lingering stress, was pushing me to the edge.

"Alright, let's get moving. The bell is on the verge of ringing." I asserted, quickening my pace, a deliberate attempt to elude the persistent shadow of that enigmatic girl who seemed hell-bent on trailing my every move.

I come to a sudden stop, turning my attention to Jungkook, whose expression reveals a clear sense of bewilderment in response to my unexpected actions.

This is it! Let's enhance the scene where the heroine and Jungkook meet.

Picture this enchanting moment set in a lush garden, where nature becomes a silent witness to the unfolding romance.

In this picturesque garden, the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers.

The heroine, with her affinity for roses, strolls through the vibrant array of blossoms.

The setting sun casts a warm glow, creating a magical ambiance that sets the stage for a memorable encounter.

As Jungkook steps into the scene, he carries with him a bouquet of roses, each petal a testament to the thoughtfulness he's put into this rendezvous.

The colors of the flowers complement the hues of the setting sun, creating a visual spectacle that mirrors the blossoming connection between the characters.

The sound of rustling leaves and the distant melody of birds singing add a natural symphony to the moment.

As the heroine notices Jungkook approaching with the roses, her eyes light up with a mix of surprise and delight.

The symbolism of the roses not only reflects her favorite flower but also signifies the blooming romance between them.

To enhance the ambiance, you can introduce subtle details like the gentle breeze tousling their hair or the soft petals of a fallen rose swirling in the air.

These nuances add depth to the scene, making it more immersive and resonant with the emotions of the characters.

In crafting this garden encounter, you're not just creating a scene; you're painting a canvas of emotions and setting the stage for a beautiful connection between the heroine and Jungkook.

Through the careful selection of props and attention to atmospheric details, the scene becomes a vivid and memorable moment within the narrative.

Alright, now that I've formulated a mental plan, it's time to put it into action.

However, I need to decide when to kick off this initiative. Perhaps Friday would be a suitable day.

As I pondered my schedule, Jungkook abruptly interrupted my thoughts, his concerned voice breaking through the silence. "Hey, you okay?

Caught off guard, I hesitated for a moment, realizing I had been staring at him without uttering a word. "Ah, yeah, I'm-" I began, but my sentence was abruptly cut short by the unexpected sound of the bell.


"Jungkook! Let's run!" I urgently exclaimed, immediately bolting towards our classroom, leaving him with little time to process what was happening.

Fuck Fuck Fuck!


The bald teacher is undoubtedly poised to dispatch us straight to detention!

* * *

Hope you like this <3

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