Chapter 8

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Now that Saturday has graced us with its presence, it seems fitting to reflect upon the various heroines I've encountered.

First among them is the self-assured protagonist, Im Nayeon, whose frequent visits to our home upon the conclusion of our school day have become a familiar sight.

Next, we encounter the captivating figure of Minatozaki Sana, a heroine whose charm and influence over her peers is undeniable. Yet, beneath her facade of kindness lies a complexity that renders her somewhat unapproachable.

Lastly, there is Myoi Mina, renowned for her reputation as a bully, though I must confess, I have witnessed no such behavior. Perhaps it is my own apprehension that has prevented me from engaging with her more intimately, fearing the unknown repercussions.

"Hey, Y/N!" Jungkook's exclamation pierced the tranquility outside my bedroom, his urgent knocks echoing with a certain hysteria.

"What now?" I responded, inwardly lamenting his persistent insistence on dragging me along wherever he and Taehyung venture. Surely, they could survive a day apart.

"Let's escape to the arcade, just the two of us!" His proposal, though unexpected, infused a sense of unease within me.

"Why bother? I'd rather stay comfortable at home forever." I countered, my words punctuated by the rhythmic roll of my body across the expanse of my bed.

"HAH! I knew you'd say that! Get ready; I'm going to beat your best score at the arcade!" His declaration, though playful, sparked a flicker of competitive spirit within me. I couldn't allow him to tarnish my impeccable record.

With resolve, I rose from my haven and flung the door open with an assertive flourish. "Fine, I'm in!"


"Ugh! Defeated once more!" Jungkook's frustrated exclamation reverberated as he slumped back into the embrace of his chair.

I couldn't help but chuckle, a mischievous glint dancing in my eyes. "Serves you right! Dumbo."

The hours slipped away unnoticed as we continued our relentless pursuit of victory within the arcade's confines. Despite Jungkook's valiant efforts, he found himself succumbing time and again to my seemingly unbeatable prowess, earning himself the moniker of 'loser' in our playful exchanges.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up, but I've heard rumors about you and Nayeon. Are they true?" His inquiry caused a subtle flinch to ripple through me, as I braced myself to address the uncomfortable topic.

"I promise those accusations aren't true. Sana has been spreading lies. Our meeting on the rooftop was just a coincidence, and there's nothing improper about it." I explained, my frustration with the relentless gossip seeping into my words. The notion of being tethered to Nayeon by unfounded rumors only exacerbated my growing indifference towards our relationship.

"Really? She claims you started it, even mentioning a kiss and pinning her down on the rooftop." he recounted, his words igniting a spark of indignation within me. The audacity of such baseless fabrications was beyond comprehension.

"That's disgusting and totally ridiculous!" I exclaimed, feigning revulsion at the outlandish tale.

He chuckled softly, a hint of skepticism coloring his tone. "It's hard to believe those reports when I remember how in love you seemed with her just last year."

A pang of frustration pierced through me as he inadvertently touched upon a painful truth. 'That feeling belongs to the person who used to be in this body, not me.'

* * *


It's been a while since I've updated this book so here I am!

I know it's a short chapter, don't blame me I had been busy recently from our school projects and additionally our teacher made us do a research, ugh!!!! I'm tired and to top it all I was the leader of that research project!!!

Anyway, I'll be updating another chapter of this later at night!

Byeeee mwahhhhhhh 💋💋💋

I'll try harder to live happily this time! (Twice × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now