Episode 12: The Longest Fight

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A/n: If you guys saw this show...In this episode The Turtles have a hard time watching their skateboarding idol Sydney Allen on the "Extreme Skateboarding Finals" and stopping a burglary at Gilbert's Department Store conducted by the Foot Clan at the same time. But I'm replacing Sydney Allen with my Oc...This is before they met me   

Episode begins in the lair 

3rd Pov

Mikey says, "Okay, we got pizza rolls, pizza balls, pizza tots, pizza puffs and duck a l'orange pizza!" "As if today could get any more perfect." Donnie said.  Announcer says, "Live in Tokyo, the extreme skateboarding finals." 

Raph says, "It's starting guys." They began to gather while Leo was skateboarding on a ramp. 

The announcer says, "Three hours of insane tricks. And the rumors are true. Kaya O' Neil will attempt a 14- 40 on the Mega Ramp." Donnie asks,"Is that even possible?" Mikey says, "No way." "She's gotta be a mutant." Raph says. Leo says, "Hey. I bet I could do a 14-40." "I will forgot my usual, "No don't, That four rotations. That's crazy talk Leo. And skip right ahead to cover the food." Donnie said.  Leo says, "For Kaya!"  

The red eared slider flips his skateboard as he jumps down. He sped right past his siblings, as they tried to protect the food. Leo lifts his skateboard high in the air, but his missteps cause him to lose his balance. He tumbled down as his skateboard flew around. Mikey and Raph laughed at Leo, pointing. Unfortunately, Leo's skateboard lies into the router on the wall, breaking it. 

Raph says, "The Wi-fi! Wifi, skating, Raph watch, Donnie fix, Raph happy." 

Donnie says, "I need pre game. Stats, highlights of past stats, projections of future stats. We're missing the stats, people!" As everyone panics Mikey says, "And we're gonna Miss Kaya and the 14-30!" "Everybody, cool it. There's worse things in the world than- Oh who am I kidding? Our lives are ruined. No, wait. I get a fix. But it ain't gonna be pretty." Raph said/asks. 

Later in the living room.  

Raph says, "Dad, you gotta let us watch T.V." "We'll do anything!" Mikey said.  Splinter asks/said, "Anything? That is more than something and just shy of everything. Go on."  Mikey asks, "Gourmet dinners?" Donnie asks, "Nostril waxing?" "Hey, Raph will even carry you around 24/7." Leo said. 

Splinter says, "This is quite a generous offer, but I must refuse. We are in the golden age of commercials! I would bring disgrace on my family if I missed even one." Donnie says, "Okay, ideas, people. My eyes need extreme skateboarding ASAP." "Maybe next time, let's not put the Wi-fi in a high traffic crash zone." Leo said.  Raph says, "Wi-fi! That's it. I know what to do." And so, the turtles head to the mall. 

Donnie says, "Gilbert's Department store after hours, an ideal per excellence, Raphael." Raph says, "I was due." "And, thanks to April's job here last year, we have the wifi password one." Donnie said.  He puts the password in and the show comes on. 

Announcer says, " We'll be right back with more skateboarding. Brought to you by Ice Tray Grand Trays for ice."  All the turtles say in union, "Yes!" Mikey says, "I love you guys and watching you this with all of you is my favorite bonding day of the year." 

And so, the turtles started to watch the event on their phones, separately. 

Something crashed from somewhere, getting Raph's attention. Raph asks, "Did you guys hear that?" "You mean that loud bang? No." Leo asks/said.  Raph asks,  "Is anyone gonna check it out?"  Donnie asks/said, "And miss skateboarding? Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling us he's our leader." Raph says, "Fine. I'll go." Raph leaves. 

As soon as Raph stopped at the escalator, he bumps into a mannequin and drops it on the ground. He yelped and tried to pick it up. 

In the distance, we see the Foot lieutenant and Brute who had entered. 

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