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A/N, it doesn't matter how long it takes. this fic will be finished! I promise!

Enjoy :)

Lancelot POV

It was morning. so early in the morning, not even the sun was up.

me and galahad were drinking and laughing while the General practiced on a dummy.

the poor dummy doll swung back and forth on its stand as L/n beat the living day light out of the inanimate being.

"You okay there, General?" Galahad asked, taking a swoon of his onion ale. Y/n landed a hit to its gut.

"You could say that, yeah." She punched it again and again. each hit with a strength that would knock out a grown man.

As she continued her onslaught on the dummy, me and galahad minded our business.

a weapon rack fell in the shadows, followed by a yelp.

"Sir Steve? is that you?"


"Young gentleman of Palchuckia! join us in our nocturnal libations!"

"We are looking for the Holy Grail!" Galahad took another swoon of his ale, slamming it back down on the table.

"Oh, well, it's not in that one either!" Galahad said, and we both laughed.

After the boy took a seat, Galahad poured him some ale from the barrel and slid it over to him.

"Yeah! Drinking with knights! I'm so stoked for my first brew... uh, today."

"Buckle up, Buttercup. This be my onion brew. it'll put some hair on your everywhere!"

Steve chuckled and looked into the cup hesitantly while we cheered him on, chanting for him to chug it.

after a few moments, he did it, and we all cheered, raising our cups in the air.

Douxie POV

We snuck past the knights successfully. After we're done here, we have to do it again with a bunch of trolls with us. much easier said than done.

"Jim!" Claire called out for him, and he immediately stood up, holding her hand through the iron gate.

"Your stay in Terror Tower is over, mate."I made sweeping motion with my hand, and a blue dagger formed. I quickly used it to cut the lock on his gate.

"And presto, one liberated troll." Archie said.

I did the same process on another gate that held a green skinned troll, with shirt white hair and bright pink eyes. the gate swung open, and she hollered happily.

"Shhh! We don't need your hyena call to alert the guards." I said, and the troll nodded.

Claire and Jim were also given enchanted daggers from me, slicing the locks on the gates one by one.

After gathering all the Trolls and getting them out, we heard Steve warn us through his awful attempt at being a bard.

"♪My lord Arthur's in the building♪ Watch out, yall. He's here to do some creep-killing!♪"

Uh oh. our timetable was just smashed.

"Now, everyone just stay calm -" Claire's sentence was cut short when the trolls started running.

As the Trolls ran, so did me, Claire, and Archie.


Footfalls hit the ground, sounding like a heavy rainstorm as the prisonors scrammed out like rats. They trampled over Lancelot and galahad, and all I could was sigh in disappointment. a daily reminder that they're friends, not my strongest soldiers.

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