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We were currently at lunch. Me and melo were at the table with his friends and a couple of other females.

"Nah, I told Mike he needa chill, nigga be running through everybody pockets" melo said causing the boys to laugh.

I was sitting on melo lap feeling more and more attached to him. After we did it for our first time, it's like I can't be away from him.

We didn't plan on telling anyone about it yet. "Hey, neko you okay?" Brandy asked me.

I nodded.

Melo wrapped his arms around my waist, sending chills down my spine. I tried playing it cool because I also had butterflies.

Some was wrong with me. It was like walking past my crush and I get butterflies from it.

He started rubbing my stomach while still talking to his friends. I decided to get on my phone so I wouldn't be focusing on my body moving weird.

I got on my phone and got a text from tay. Her message read: How come you never called me back last night? I've called like 15 times 😭.

My eyes widen and I quickly went to my call log and noticed all of my missed calls from her and the rest. Including my mom.

I went back to messages to text her back. Sorry, I went to sleep and didn't charge my phone.

When In reality, I turned on my dnd and silent my phone. I was shocked at my actions last night to the point where I didn't want to speak to anyone but melo.

"Wait" mya said while chewing her food. I looked up from my phone seeing her stand up, walking over to where me and melo were.

She came close to me and moved my puffer coat jacket. Her eyes widen making our table widen.

"No wayyyy" some said. I was getting hot and Turning red. Melo was sitting there smiling and laughing.

"Baby you should've covered that up with some foundation or something" my gay friend Zay said. I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't home, I was at Melos house and I don't use his mom makeup cause she's a whole different shade that I am" I said chuckling.

"Why'd you give me so many melo" I playfully hit him. His eyes widen with his mouth open. "You said you wanted some and you didn't care for the amount" he shrugged.

"you was talking dirty last night huh? Y'all ended up fucking?" Zay nosey ass asked. Brandy slapped his hand and looked at him crazy.

Melo nodded as if I couldn't see him nod. "AYEEEE so everyone isn't a virgin no more. It was just y'all two that was" they laughed.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.


I finally get to my house after school, trying to sneak upstairs. "Girl why you in a rush? And why haven't you answer my calls last night? And why you look like you broke ya neck?" My said storming me with questions before I even touched the second step.

"I'm in a rush cause I got homework" lie. "I fell asleep and forgot to charge my phone." Lie. "And my head hurts real bad" lie.

She looked at me with her suspicious eyes. She walked towards me in a weird ass way. "Ma why are you walking like that" I said.

"I know when my child is lying cause she never lies and when she does feel like lying she makes these weird ass faces. Let me see ya neck neko" she said.

I gave in and let go of my jacket. I put my bookbag down and took my coat off. She moved my hair out of the way and looked at me.

"I'm sorry ma, okay yes we did it , I was gonna tell you I really was. I didn't know when because I wasn't ready yet because I thought you'd disown me." I spoke truthfully.

My mom sat quiet and looked at me. She then busted out laughing. "Ma" I said with my hands on my hips. "Okay but why would I disown you for having sex. I mean yeah I get you are 15 and melo is 16 but that's the same age I had sex" she explained.

"Did y'all use protection?" She pointed in my finger. "Yes ma he stole one from Rodney's room" I chuckled.

"Listen, you will probably feel attached to this boy. You wouldn't want to talk to anyone but him. That's how I was when I first lost it. 15 and 16 isn't the best age to have sex. Most recommended age is probably 17-18 for most people. But it is your body and whenever you were ready that's you. But that doesn't mean go out and sell your body or have sex in different relationships. And no babies. Hell I don't want grandkids. Especially when you the only child" she said.

I smiled. She gave me a hug and looked at me before walking away. I'm happy she forgave me. "Also, I noticed you were lying because you're walking weird" she pointed at my legs.

My mouth widen. "Yeah baby on your first you'll be walking weird" she laughed. "Did it hurt?" She asks plopping on the couch. I nodded. It did hurt a lot. But like in a good way.

I walked back upstairs to go get some clothes out of my room to take my shower.

I was in my head the whole time while getting my stuff together. I really want to only have one body. One person who can keep my body and myself safe.

And that person is melo and melo only.


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