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|Ah'neko|📍Hospital 3:45 pm/ room______________________________I was staring in complete shock

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3:45 pm/ room
I was staring in complete shock. I was just froze. My heart literally was to my ankles. He had flowers, balloons, a basket and a bear for me in his hands.

"Don't just stand there, give her a hug" my mom said. He smiled and put the stuff down and came over to me. I looked up at him as he was coming towards me.

He gently hugged me and I was still frozen. Like it's literally my dad hugging me. I looked at my mom recording with tears in her eyes.

I felt warmness coming down my face.

"Oh how I missed you neko" he said letting go. "Da-dad?" Yes neko it's me" he chuckled.

"Damn it's emotional as hell , uhm neko how about you introduce your dad to them" my mom said sniffing.

"Uhm this is, my boyfriend romelo, and that's his mom Monica" I said.

"Nice to finally meet you, loved you for so long" he said to Monica. "Heard so much about you boy, good to see you" my dad smiled.

"So, how you feeling?" I'm feeling fine. I get released tomorrow morning" I smirked.

"That's good to hear baby. I heard about the situation at that rod wave concert." He said.

My heart began beating faster. "Do you remember who pulled that gun out on you?" He asked. I gulped. I wasn't a snitch but I don't think it's snitching telling when someone did something wrong to you. Maybe it is I don't know.

I looked at melo. Then my mom. I shook my head. "Well that's okay. I'll figure it out. Until then. I'm here to make my baby girl proud."

I nodded. "So I will see you tomorrow, I have to get my things unpacked" my dad kissed my cheek.

He walked out the room with my mom and Monica. Leaving me and romelo. I laid back on the bed on Melos chest and looked at the ceiling.

I heard a knock at the door and looked over. I seen it opening revealing cam, tay, and Nelson. My smile widen as I looked at them three come in.

Nelson shuts the door and they all come and sit down. Tay sat on the edge of the bed and Nelson and cam sat in the chairs.

"How you feeling baby?"tay asked. I nodded. "I feel good. My dad came to see me. And you guys came" I smiled.

"How'd this end up happening neko?." Nelson asked.

I hesitated. "I, I just passed out and had a bad seizure." I said. I mean it wasn't technically a lie because it actually happened. But I really overdosed.

I heard melo scoff while I was still laying on him. I looked at him and he wasn't starting at me. Just on his phone.

"When do you get released?" Tomorrow morning" I answered Tay.

Cam and Nelson looked at eachother smiling. "Hell y'all looking suspicious for?" I asked.

Tay looked at them and they looked at her. They were talking with their eyes. I was watching all of them. And I could understand them. "One of y'all better tell me or it's gon be a problem".

They looked at me. "You got a a basketball scholarship" tay said.

I looked in shock. I sat up from Melos chest with my eyes wide and mouth opened.

"Y'all are lying bro." I asked.

"We not. They've seen your previous highlights. It was a scholarship to LSU" he said. "YOU ARE LYING CAMERON" I jumped.

They know I've been dreaming to go to LSU. "Congrats mama" melo said even though he looks mad at me.

"Thank you, oh my God y'all I can't believe this" I cried. I grabbed my phone to dial my mommy. "Mommy. Guess what"

"Yes neko"

"I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP TO LSU MOMMY" I screamed. her face lit up and she screamed. I heard my dad in the back cheering me on.

"This is the best day ever, everyone just made me so happy" I said wiping tears.

"I'm on my way baby hold on." My mom said hanging up

"Congratulation. We have to throw a party for this including a welcome home party." Tay suggested. "Girl you late as hell. That shit been planned" cam said causing tay to slap his leg.

"I got to get back on the court after I get home." I said.  "Yeah, gotta teach you more stuff so you can be TOP of the girls basketball team." Cam said.

I nodded. "You know we should DoorDash." Nelson suggested. "I mean might as well if we staying overnight" tay said.

I raised a brow. "Oh girl you thought we was just gon leave you here? TUH you crazy. Melo ain't gon save you from the monsters that's under the bed" she joked causing us to laugh but melo.

Melo attitude was just weird as hell. I'll ask him when I'm out of this building so we wouldn't cause a scene.

"So what y'all want?" Chick-fil-A" we all said.

"Alright Chick-fil-A it is" cam said.


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