Chapter 4

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"See you two tomorrow." Julie yelled as she left the studio, locking the door behind her.
"Bye Julie!" Blake yelled.
Adam stood up angrily, walking across the room.
"Adam? Where you going?" Blake asked.
Adam ignored him and shoved open the wooden door on the right side of the room, slamming it behind him. Blake stood up and followed him, pausing at the closed door. From inside, the sound of an acoustic guitar strumming could be heard. Blake leaned against the door, listening.

So scared of breaking it, that you won't let it bend.
And I wrote two hundred letters I'll never send.
Sometime these cuts are so much deeper than they seem.
You'd rather cover up, I'd rather let them bleed.

Adam's voice reverberated throughout the room, soft and meaningful. Blake smiled, listening. Wow, he really does have a great voice. Blake began humming along as he approached the chorus.

So let me be, and I'll set you free.

Blake began singing along, his voice complimenting Adam's perfectly.

I am in misery.
There ain't nobody who can comfort me.
Why won't you answer me.
The silence is slowly killing me.

Adam's voice slowly died out, and he stopped strumming. Blake paused, straining to hear what was happening behind the door. Suddenly, the door opened, and Blake fell forwards. Adam looked down, and seeing Blake on the ground, smirked.
"That's what you get for spying on me."

He went to close the door again, and Blake shoved his foot in, stopping it.
Adam didn't notice, walking back into the room. Blake stood up and pushed the door open. Adam had his back to him, sitting on a black leather stool. Blake crept over behind Adam, who sat on his phone, oblivious. Suddenly, Blake kicked the stool, and Adam went flying downwards.
"Son of a bitch!" Blake guffawed, running out of the room, Adam close behind. He tried to jump over the couch, but fell onto it. Adam, following him, fell on top of him. Their eyes met, and they froze. After a couple seconds of eye contact, Adam's face grew red. He got off and quickly turned around, running his hand through his hair uncomfortably. Blake sat up, staring at him.
"Be right back." Adam quickly walked over to a door in the corner, opening it. Behind it was a wooden staircase, which he ran up, closing the door behind him. Blake watched him go and sighed, sinking into the couch. What's up with him?

Adam ran up the stairs, to a short hallway with three doors. He went into the first door, the bathroom, and braced himself over the sink, breathing hard. Leaning over, he splashed some water into his face, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. His thoughts were a jumbled mess running through his head, and he rubbed his forehead, trying to make sense of it all.
Holy shit. What just happened?

He stumbled, his vision going blurry. His hand went down to his pocket, grabbing for the knife. He felt the cool metal on his palm, and pulled it out, grasping it so tightly his knuckles turned white.
He held the blade to his skin, drawing it across. He sighed, a calming emotion flowing through him, and drew the knife back to do it again.
"Adam?" He jumped, and the knife dug into his skin. Tears formed in his eyes, and he quickly pulled it out, swearing under his breath. There was a knock, and the sound of someone turning the doorknob.
I didn't lock the door, did I?

The door swung open, revealing Blake, a worried expression on his face. "Adam are you-"
He stopped as he saw the knife, still in Adam's hand. "A-Adam?" Tears ran down Adam's face, and he got up, pushing past a shocked Blake. He raced down the hall to the third door, swinging it open to reveal his bedroom.

He ran to the king-sized bed, burying his head in a pillow. Sobs racked his body, tears streaming down his face. His nails dug into the blanket, his teeth clenched around the pillow.
Footsteps could be heard from outside, coming down the hall. Blake ran into the room, stopping when he saw Adam. The younger man looked up, tears making his vision blur. "Go away."

Blake ran over to him, sitting next to him on the bed. "Adam..."
"I said go away! You've got no reason to help a freak like me!"
"Adam, you're not a freak. Come here."
He patted the spot next to him on the bed, and Adam crawled over, clutching the tear-stained pillow to his chest. He shut his eyes, terrified of what Blake was going to say. Blake put a hand on his thigh, trying to comfort him.
"Adam, look at me." Adam opened his eyes, looking at Blake's chest. Blake put a hand under Adam's chin, gently lifting it until their eyes met. He wiped
a stray tear off his cheek, smiling.

"I know we've only know each other for a few hours, but I know enough to know you are not a freak. You're amazing at guitar, and the only freak thing about you is how incredible your voice is." Adam smiled, rubbing his eyes. "I don't know what you've been through, and I won't pretend to know what you're going through, but I can assure you that you don't deserve this.
You are an amazing, kind, beautiful young man, and the best partner I could ask for. You shouldn't put marks on your body. You're perfect just the way you are."

Adam smiled, his tears dried.
"Don't mention it." Blake stood up.
"It's getting late, we should probably go to sleep. I'll take the couch." He walked over towards the hall.
"Blake?" He paused in the doorway, turning around.
"Did you call me beautiful?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm bisexual." And with that, he turned the light off and walked out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

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