Hi. It's me, Phoenix. Your least favorite DxD fanfic author (and ashamed to be one). You might be wondering what this book is. And you'd be right to! It's confusing. So let me explain it for you: DxD: Ascension - Redux is exactly what it sounds like. It's a remake of my original fanfiction, DxD: Ascension, which was a rebranding of the original fanfic, High School DxD: Blazing Dusk & Midnight Dawn. Suffice to say this story has gone through a lot of changes since I started it back in high school (turning 21 soon, for reference). And looking back on it, the story kind of sucks. Especially early on, when I was a kid who didn't really know how to write well or write consistent characters. So Redux is me starting fresh and rectifying the errors I made before. A lot will be different, a lot will be the same. First thing you might notice is that Zach Praktum is falling into the DxD universe solo this time, rather than Michael being with him. Michael is, unless I change my mind, no longer part of the story. There will be other changes as well, but that's probably the biggest and most immediate.
So, uh... yeah. I hope you enjoy the new version. The chapters will come out here and there, but they'll get quicker as I progress through Act 1 and have less changes to make. I'm much happier with the newer chapters, it's mostly the older ones that desperately need fixing. Hopefully I do a better job the second time around. But... here we go.
~ P.
DxD: Ascension - Redux
FanfictionZach Praktum is a hero with his name etched into history. In his world, at least. But when a mysterious gauntlet transports him to an alternate universe with new rules and new people, he must find new friends and fight to protect his new home while...