ミ★ 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 ミ★

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- (Y/n) POV -

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- (Y/n) POV -

A soft sigh exhaled through your mouth, staring aimlessly at the pitch black and warm caffeinated liquid in front of you. Your hand stirring the small metallic spoon around the hot liquid, listening to the metal clink against the glass mug.

You couldn't help but stare off a bit into the drink, tuning out the small demon around your home who scurried around to finish uncompleted chores around your home.

You let your thoughts run through your head silently, your lips pressed together and feeling a bit sour through your thoughts. A small grumble left your lips as your eyes glowed darkly into your cup from submitting to such lowly action.

The demons around your house froze upon hearing a groan leave your lips. It wasn't a good sign, and they knew that more than anyone. All of their legs shook anxiously while watching you, waiting to see what your next actions would be.

They watched you close your eyes and think. Your face looked less stern as you borrowed the sight of a demon bird that was currently flying around hell to find prey but was now forced to hunt your prey.

Doubt and foolishness filled your mind, thinking these actions of yours were useless and a waste of your time to even commit, if alive you were to see this from you, they'd think you're pathetic for such desperate actions.

The bird flew around hell, high and low, as if it were searching for someone. As if, you were searching for someone. Out of frustration, your nails dig deeply into your wooden table, causing loud cracking sounds that send shudders down the demon's spine.

Just as you were about to let go of this foolish and embarrassing thing you were doing, you spotted it. You spotted a red-haired deer demon walking down the streets of hell while humming a small tune.

Your eyes snapped back open speechless as your gaze met back to your coffee. The once hot liquid was now lukewarm and you could see the reflection of your widened eyes.

You blinked hastily, your eyes darting to your hand that ruined your pretty table and back to your reflection. You sat there quietly before taking a big inhale and exhale of consolation.

Seeing this new information about the person you so hopelessly sought for. The man who made you feel so pathetic and insufficient for so desperately looking for him.

Your hand gripped the handle of your mug tightly, almost breaking the delicate mug as small forms of cracks appeared in the beautifully designed glass. Lucky Overlord, if it were anyone else who left you, and walked out without a word, you'd make it a priority to eliminate such a useless-

My Devil ⁽ʰᵃᶻᵇⁱⁿ ʰᵒᵗᵉˡ ˣ ᵐᵃˡᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ⁾ Where stories live. Discover now