~Chapter 2•Boss is Calling~

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      •1st person•
   Well I don't have to try to hard to make Lucifer notice me. It's been 2 weeks now. When I come downstairs first in the morning Lucifer is always the first to tell me good morning and he walks me to my room every night. My phone has been blowing up off the hook today. I guess I'll be staying the night with Vox again. You see, I made a deal with him at the end of last week. I still own my soul kinda. It's complicated but I have a lot more power now. Once I have Lucifer fully wrapped around my finger though, oh I won't need Vox. I just have to play doll until then.
  "Charlie. I'm not staying here tonight."
  "Again? That's the 4th day in a row." She frowned. Vaggie stood beside her with a glare aimed at me.
  "I'm sorry, it's work stuff." I rubbed the back of my neck. It was already 20 hundred hours so I should probably go before Vox gets too mad. After I walk outside I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up at see Lucifer. Well not really up, we're the same height.
  "Where do you work?"
  "Why?" I crossed my arms over my chest.
  "If you're working for money, I can pay for anything you want." He held out his hand to me. I look at it then at him.
  "And what do you gain from that?"
  "I get to see you get redeemed. This won't work if you're out every night." He put his hand down. I look at the ring on it.
  "You're married?" His face flushes pink. He looks down at his ring and stutters.
  "I- uh- you see- well-" I scoff and walk away. I smile as I hear his footsteps behind me. My plans always work. Sometimes I wonder if I'm related to Alastor. "Wait. Think about it."
  "I don't work for money."
  "Then what do you work for? Whatever it is I can give you." He caught up to me finally and stopped me. I felt my phone going off. Fuck, cameras are everywhere. Vox can probably see and hear us. I look around.
  "Lucifer, darling, we can talk about this later." His face flushed pink as I said darling.
  "Uh what now." I walked away quickly and answered the phone. I heard him behind me still.
  "Hey boss."
  "Where the actual fuck are you L/N?!"
"Boss boss. I'm sure you can see my situation." There was a moment of silence before I hear loud cussing.
"LUCIFER is FUCKING with you?!"
"Not by choice."
"Get rid of him, okay?"
"How the hell do you want me to do that?"
"I don't care just hurry up before I'm behind."
Well now what? I look behind me at Lucifer. I look beside me at a bar, perfect.
"Hey Luci, wanna get drinks before I go to work? I just got off the phone with my boss and he said I got a few hours." His face lit up, and he was still slightly pink.
"Sure." He held the door open for me. I took a seat and he took one next to me at the bar.
"I'll take some whiskey." I said to the bartender. Lucifer glanced at me.
"No margarita?"
"I don't like fruity drinks." I grabbed my whiskey the bartender gave me. Lucifer cleared his throat.
"Yeah uh, me neither. I'll have uh vodka." I laughed and he looked confused.
"Straight vodka?" I said smiling. He nodded.
"Yep, no fruity drinks. Ew gross am I right?" He laughed nervously as he looked at the vodka. I grinned and put my whiskey in front of him, taking the vodka and shooting it. His eyes grew wide and his cheeks blushed pink for a moment.
"You don't have to impress me. I'm just a sinner of hell. No one special." I look at the bartender. "Red wine please." He hands me red wine and I hand it to Lucifer. He smiles softly.
"Thanks kid."
It's been two hours now. Lucifer is drunk off his ass. I'm a little tipsy. I convinced Lucifer to teleport home and I finished walking to the studio.
"Vox. I'm here." I called. It was dark as I looked around. I felt someone grab me from behind.
"It's been two hours." His voice was in my ear as his hands wrapped around my waist. Tonight will not be fun.
Willows notes:ahhh Lucifer is so much easier to write than Alastor even though I love both ❤️ I'll try to write as much as possible. Until this story picks up it might be a little more neglected than my Alastor stories.

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