Pippin x Reader

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You, Pippin and Merry were walking around the hills of the Shire. You were holding a journal, which you would normally write your thoughts in. You were writing about how you were excited your best friends had come home, the quill flew over the page, and you heard Pippin and Merry laugh. You looked up to them.

“What's so funny?” you asked, wanting to know.

“Well, you've been writing in that book ever since we got back! And we were just trying to figure out what you write in there!” Merry shrugged.

“Probably some hobbit-boy, Merry,” Pippin snorted and you rolled your eyes. And laughed, “see, told ya.” He said in an audible whisper to the other.

“Wouldn't you like to know.” You smiled a full smile as you put the quill and book into a pouch you always carried with you, then you sigh, “I guess I should stop writing for a while.”

“Yay! Wanna play a game of tag??” Pippin hopped up and down excitedly.

“Pippin, no one likes to play-” but Merry was cut off by Pippin tapping his shoulder.

“TAG! YOU'RE IT, MERRY!” Pippin ran off, and you burst into giggles, which was a mistake, because now you were it.

“Hey!” You giggled, then ran after Merry, but you gave up when he ran too fast. You slowed and caught your breath, looking around for either of the hobbits.

“Aw, y/n! Are you too slow?” Merry teased and you laughed, and took a deep breath and tried to catch up to him. Then you saw Pippin smiling, to the left, and you went to go tag him. He laughed and ran into the woods, and ended up tripping over a root, which you also tripped over, so now you were on top of Pippin, both of you laughing hysterically.

“You're it!” You said in between laughs. As you looked at him, and stood up. He was laughing so hard he began to hiccup. And he just laid on his back, looking up at the sky. You laid down next to him, catching your breath, laughing from time to time.

“You're it,” He nudged you. You nudged him back.

“No, you're it,” you both laughed. You turned your head so you could look at him. He looked back, a big smile on his face.

“I'm so glad you guys came back,” you said, smiling back, “disappearing without telling me, you idiots. I was so worried.”

“Aw,” he said in a teasing but soft tone. You two just laid there on the forest floor, smiling at each other when Merry came crashing through the forest.

“WHO'S IT?” He asked, then snickered as laid down next to me, and we all just started to talk.

.   .   .

“You helped kill the Witch King?” You gasped and smiled at Merry, you were all sitting up against trees, and he smiled, puffing out his chest a bit, somewhat proud.

“You didn't tell me that, Merry!” Pippin looked over at him. And he shrugged.

“I guess I forgot.” He smiled, and laughed a bit. We then all joined in and you sighed. It was starting to get dark.

“We should head back,” you suggested.

“Oh! I didn't even notice the sun was setting!” Pippin exclaimed as he jumped to his feet. “I'll bring you home, Miss y/n!”

“I didn't know you were such a gentleman, Pippin!” You snorted and got up to your feet. Merry was brushing his vest off.

“Oh, wait you are still a miss, right? You never told us if you were courting anyone since we were gone,” you heard a chuckle from Merry, quickly silenced with a small nudge from Pippin. You smile and shrug.

“No, no one's been brave enough to court me. I think they're all scared because I hang out with you guys. In fact I've heard some say that they think I'm a bad influence on the young girls!” you laugh and the two laugh with you.

“Well, that's a bummer, you're so pretty and smart, and fun! I'm surprised no one has asked to court you!” You saw a slight blush creep on Pippin's face as the three of you walked out of the woods. Stars were sprinkled across the sky and the moon was glorious.

“I trust you two will get home safely?” Merry asked, a slight smirk on his face, but then again he always had a smirk on his face, and if not he always had a twinkle in his eye.

“I will guard y/n with my life!” Pippin smiled, and you laughed.

“Nothing ever happens in the Shire, or Hobbiton. It's all so boring out here, I don't know what I need to be guarded from!”

“Well, Farmer Maggot's dogs for one,” Merry laughed, then he bowed slightly in respect, “I have to head back, farewell! See you tomorrow probably! Goodnight!”

“Goodnight, Merry! Farewell!” You and Pippin said at the same time, and you both giggled. Merry hopped away, humming a tune, and you and Pippin walked towards Hobbiton, it was quite a ways away, and glad you had company.

“It's beautiful out tonight, isn't it?” Pippin asked, looking up to the stars. He slowed down, and you matched his pace. None of you were in a hurry.

“Yeah,” you nodded along.

“It's very pretty,” Pippin said softly, “how the stars reflect off your eyes.” He looked over to you, and you smiled at him, blushing the slightest.

“Thank you,” you didn't really know what else to say.

“Well, your eyes are pretty all the time, but they're especially pretty with the stars,” he blurted and you found yourself blushing more.

“Y/n?” He asked suddenly, and you looked over to see him blushing as well.


“Would you do the honor of courting me?” He blurted the words out again, then rushed, “well- uh, did I say that? I didn't- uh…”

You were quite speechless for a bit. And Pippin took this time to overthink things.

“I'm so sorry- I don't want to… is our friendship still ok? Even though I'm super in love with you? Oh- did I say that??” He started babbling on and you were just blinking, trying to process everything.

“Pippin?” You finally managed to ask.

“Yeah..?” He seemed to have calmed down a bit, but not too much.

“I… would love courting you.” Your cheeks were red and a small smile found itself on your face. Then you found yourself in an embrace, and Pippin laughing, a bit relieved, you smiled and hugged him back.

“In fact ever since you left- without telling me- I've realized how much I, how much I actually liked you… that I love you.”

He blushed, “I thought I was making a fool out of myself,” he said quietly, “but… I guess I didn't really have anything to worry about… I love you too, y/n.” You smile softly at his words.

“What are we gonna tell Merry?” He asked suddenly.

“He'll find out sooner or later,” you laugh, pulling him away so you could see his face. His eyes sparkled with joy and love.

“Let's get you home,” he smiled, and you two held hands as you walked back to your hobbit hole. As you were about to walk in, you hugged Pippin once more, kissing his cheek softly.

“You missed,” he said in a light, teasing tone. You smiled and raised an eyebrow.

“Nah it's alright, you don't-” but you cut him off with a quick kiss on his lips before smiling and closing your door, saying a very quick but sincere goodnight to him. When you got to your room, you pulled out your journal and turned a lamp on, writing everything that happened today.

Thoughts? I mean, I think it's ok, pretty cool, I love Pippin, like he's one of my fav characters, honestly I could go on forever about him but for your sakes I won't XD

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