Chapter 1

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My name is Lina Morelli and I am part of an organization called MI5, and this is the story of how I went to the future...

The year was 1932 and the date was the 1st August. This was a time when gangsters/mobsters thought that they ruled the joint, and the agency had created a time portal, of course I never knew about it until the "impossible" mission came along.

It all started when me and my partner, Alistair Spencer, were on a mission to bring in a rogue spy, Tallulah Green, who had created a laser that would destroy the polar ice caps which makes the water levels rise.

"Lina, we have to stop Tallulah before it's too late!" Alistair shouted as we ran to the run-down abandoned warehouse with the windows boarded up where she was supposedly hiding there. As we ran we passed a car that looked like nobody wanted it and would be heading to the car graveyard soon enough.

"Alistair, hurry up!" I yelled to him as he was lagging behind me. "We need to get there as soon as possible, the whole of England depends on it." We ran up the two square slabs of stone that were the steps to the door of the warehouse and kicked the door open, using both of our left feet to kick it.

The place seemed empty, but we knew she would be hiding in a secret room because our spy in her "minions" had told us all about it and how to find the doorway to the secret passage which leads to the secret hallway which leads to the room in which she is hiding in.

I pulled my gun out of the holster on my belt and Alistair did the same, we tip-toed through the warehouse carefully so we didnt make a noise and went straight to the office and Alistair opened the door with a creeeeeeak. "Shush! we don't want Tallulah to know we're here!" I whispered to Alistair.

The office had five bookcases with eight shelves against the four walls surrounding the perimeter, and in the middle of the room there was a decaying mahogany desk which had eight draws, four on each side with a chair made out of oak in the centre of the drawers where the chair could fit under which looked like it would collapse if anyone were to sit on it. On the desk was a lamp and loads of papers scattered across the desk which someone must have left behind.

We searched in the bookcases for 'The Midnight Bell' by Patrick Hamilton we found the book on the second bookcase from the door and on the fifth shelf from the top. We pulled it out and the bookcase started rotating so me and Alistair held onto each other so we didn't lose our balance.

When the bookcase finished rotating we crept along the long corridor keeping to the walls to use the shadows so we didn't get spotted before we could surprise them.

When we reached the end of the corridor we found a door so I looked through the keyhole first and saw a room with a strange contraption in the middle of the room with crates all around the perimeter of the room, we also saw that Tallulah had her minions surrounding some scientists held captive to build a strange contraption called a "laser" which they had almost finished. I don't know what it was for but it was certainly intriguing. I needed to stop Tallulah but I also wanted to know what this "laser" would do before we stopped her.

We put our guns back in our holsters and then we opened the door really carefully and quietly whilst Tallulah was talking to her minions and the scientists, and we crawled along the floor behind some crates until we reached the far room behind the "laser" and listened in to what Tallulah was saying.

"Okay, we need to get this laser finished so we can use the time traveling machine and travel to the year 2028 and use this laser to melt the polar ice caps, so HURRY UP OR YOU WON'T EVER LEAVE!!!" Tallulah screamed at them so they could have motivation to build the "laser" quicker.

I felt a sneeze coming on but I knew I couldn't or else they'd know we were there and we needed to give them the surprise of us jumping out. Alistair looked at me with panic and then he mouthed "Try to keep it in, Lina" I tryed very hard to keep my sneeze in but I couldn't help it and I sneezed "ACHOO!!", thank God they thought it was one of the scientists.

I mouthed to Alistair "It's time to jump out and surprise them, get your gun ready." I then turned and peered around the crates and saw that now was the time, I took my gun out of it's holster and signalled to Alistair that now was the time to jump out and we jumped out and shouted "FREEZE!"

*ten minutes later*

"You'll never get away with this, Tallulah Green!" Alistair and I said with exasperation "Oh yes I will, Lina Morelli and Alistair Spencer!" as she went out of the room she laughed an evil laugh and then some gas started coming out of the airvents and it made us pass out...

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