Jagger Moon- You go on tour with him

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Currently moving my bag's to the front door as I was going on tour with Jagger an The rest of Full Circle

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Currently moving my bag's to the front door as I was going on tour with Jagger an The rest of Full Circle. Sitting on the lounge I heard a car pull in the garage an then Jagger walked in Hey baby -He said Hey Jag's -I said as he sat next to me giving me a kiss.

So were gonna leave early in the morning we will drive to Jason's house an He's gonna drive us -He said Ok -I said What do you want for dinner -He said Mhm Chick Fil A -I said Ok I'll order it -He said.

Me an Jagger made our way into bed as we decided to have a early night Jagger went downstairs to get the food.

He walked in an passed me my food Thank you -I said as he took off his shirt an hopped in bed Great sight to be honest with ya.

We finished our food an put it the bag an soon fell asleep. Waking upto Jagger's alarm going off I looked at my side clock 4am.

Rolling over I rolled on top of Jagger he laughed What's wrong babe -He said It's to early -I said kissing his neck I know but you can sleep in Jason's car it's a long roadtrip -He said Yeh well I guess we should get up -I said sitting up.

Jagger pulled me back an kissed me Love you -He said I love you to -I said giving him another kiss. Me an Jagger changed into a track set an loaded our bag's into Jagger's Tesla.

I got into the Passenger seat as Jagger locked the house up. He hopped in the car an we got to driving to Jason's house.

Arriving at the house Jagger pulled into the driveway an we got out all the rest of the boy's were standing their Jame's looked the most tired so I laid my head on his shoulder an we shut our eye's.

Feeling an arm on my shoulder Babe -Jagger said What -I said opening my eye's he an the other boy's were laughing You fell asleep standing up -He said Oh aren't I talented -I said Time to go -He said.

We loaded up into Jason's car him driving with Sean in the front an us three in the back I was in the middle 5 hour car ride let's go people -Sean yelled we all cheered.

Laying my head on Jagger's shoulder Jame's on mine Jagger's head on mine his arm around me an Jame's we all closed our eye's.

Waking up were here -Jason said Yay -I groaned out all the boy's laughed We would all be staying at a hotel as the tour started tomorrow.

Getting out of the car we stretched an got our bag's out of the car we were staying at this hotel for the whole trip. Walking into the hotel we got our keycard's an went to our room's.

Dumping my bag in the corner I jumped on the bed Jagger jumped on top of me an we legit passed out. Waking upto Jagger's alarm again it was time for the first taking over school's concert.

Today we are going to a little kid school were their known as Panthers. Jagger got in his outfit a tanktop some Raybans, Black Jean's an most likely Vans.

I got dressed...

After changing I walked out into the room Jagger was their smiling Stunning -He said Hot -I said smiling he kissed me an we walked out of our room

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After changing I walked out into the room Jagger was their smiling Stunning -He said Hot -I said smiling he kissed me an we walked out of our room.

Hopping in Jason's Jeep I got between Jagger an Jame's an the boy's started recording it was soon Jagger's turn an I was getting flustered this man just looked good.

We got out of the car an me an Jagger held hand's as we entered I put my sunglasses on my head as we entered the  Assistant Principal's Office.

I was filming for the boy's until Jagger, James, Sean did a scene from Lord of the Ring's. This is so not romantic -I said as Jagger got on the ground He laughed.

We got to outside The boy's manager gave me the camera an I got to filming, I got on the ground you know u got to get them angles.

Standing behind the boy's recording them I was watching Jagger man could not get anymore hotter. The boy's threw a shirt to the crowd then they got into a Signing session.

Y/n are you dating one of the boy's -I nodded Her friend tapped her She's dating Jagger their matching -She said Yep -I said Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know -She said It's ok u did nothing wrong u just asked a simple question -I said Can we get a picture -She said Oh uhm sure -I said.

We took a picture an I thanked them an walked over to Jagger who was smiling at me Hey baby -He said Hi love I didn't know if I could get a picture I don't want to interfere -I said Baby ur not your a model if we weren't dating I would totally want a picture -He said Thank's you looked hot singing I kept getting flustered -I said Oh stop it -He said kissing me.

After that we went around to some classes me on the camera. We left the school an went to the hotel.

It was the next day an Jagger was in Denim. I got dressed in a Denim jumpsuit as well as some Vans.

Yeh that's coming off tonight -Jagger said I laughed Yeh to get in my pj's -I said If pj's is no clothes then sure -He said kissing me then running Jagger Ray Moon -I yelled running after him Full name ain't good -Sean said.

We arrived at the school they did rehearsal an I put the camera on Jagger Denim an Raybans on him were fucking good.

I was aloud on stage as they were doing hand shakes. I jumped on the ground an watched Jagger come over Oh my god Jagger Moon your so hot -I yelled He looked at me an laughed, grabbing my hand he pulled me up Hey sexy -He said I laughed.

Next day Jagger may have gotten some last night we were apparently both glowing.

Basically on our outfit's Jagger wanted to match at every school so he was in a grey shirt, some jean's an some white shoe's.

Basically on our outfit's Jagger wanted to match at every school so he was in a grey shirt, some jean's an some white shoe's

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It was the last school for this month an it was a highschool. We arrived an I was in the crowd filming Jagger did the jump onto his knee's an I cheered He smiled.

That school finished an I was stood by the side Jagger walked to me as I headed outside My cheerleader -He whispered in my ear as he kissed my temple.

Always -I said wrapping my arm's around him he moved me in front of him an wrapped his arm's around my neck as we walked forward to the manager's.

The End.

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