Martin Garrix- He brings you out

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Mama I hear opening my eye's I looked over the bed to see Riley me an Martin's 2 year old son Whats up Rile's -I whispered He put his arm's up

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Mama I hear opening my eye's I looked over the bed to see Riley me an Martin's 2 year old son Whats up Rile's -I whispered He put his arm's up.

I sat up an picked him up I'm hungry -He said Riley was still breastfed but can eat normal food I pulled my shirt down so he can latch on.

Hearing a groan from next to me Riley was knocked out I pulled him from my nipple an set him in the middle of my an Martin.

Martin rolled over Morning baby -He said Morning -I said What time is it -He said 11am -I said So 1 question -I said as I climbed on top of him an layed on him What is it -He said brushing my hair.

When does tonight's set start -I said 8pm till 11pm -He said Ok so what are you doing today -I said Well I'm gonna love ya an leave ya so I can go to the studio work on some more track's then come back get ready leave with you an then party -He said.

What are you going to do today -He asked Well I might take Riley on a little stroll then maybe drop you some lunch off an then possibly have a nap then do everything else with you -I said.

I won't eat lunch so guess your coming to me -He said smirking Guess I have to -I said leaning down I gave him a kiss.

Martin had just left Today we were in Amsterdam at our home as Martin had a dj set here me an Riley were on tour with him an I'm so glad we got to stay at our penthouse last night.

Riley soon woke up Morning buddy -I said Morning mama -He said Riley looked like Martin but took English an my personality as I am British he does know how to speak Dutch though.

Me an Riley got changed Come on buddy were gonna go on a day trip an we'll see daddy to -I said Coming mama -He said. We got to the garage What car Roll's Royce or Mercedes -I asked Mercedes -He said Very well -I said.

We got in the car an got to our trip out which was full of Shopping, Cuddle's, laugh's.

Pulling upto the studio I looked back to see Riley knocked out I laughed getting out of the car I shut my door then went to Riley's side opened his door an unbuckled him.

Picking him up I closed his door an grabbed my bag as well as the Mcdonald's bag. Locking the car I walked inside an waved at the front desk lady she pointed me to the studio Martin was in.

Knocking on the door Come In -I Heard opening the door I walked in an Martin looked at me smiling "Let me help Y/n" -Sam Martin's Manager said as he grabbed Riley.

I put my bag down an sat on Martin's lap Hallo Schat (Hi baby) -He said Hi love here's your mcdonald's -I said kissing him Thank you I think you knocked Rile's out -He said Yeh Oop's -I said putting my head on his shoulder Your tired to -He said Yep -I said.

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