Niall Horan- The Voice

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Sitting on my lounge in me an Niall's house I smiled as today I was going on the Voice to perform in the Blind audition's Niall did not know an I was performing Slow Hand's one of my fav song's of Niall's an he knew it

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Sitting on my lounge in me an Niall's house I smiled as today I was going on the Voice to perform in the Blind audition's Niall did not know an I was performing Slow Hand's one of my fav song's of Niall's an he knew it.

After getting dressed I curled my hair an did my lipgloss I put Niall's button shirt over my shoulder's an left it unbuttoned, a notification came from my phone telling me my Uber had arrived I smiled an walked out of the bedroom

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After getting dressed I curled my hair an did my lipgloss I put Niall's button shirt over my shoulder's an left it unbuttoned, a notification came from my phone telling me my Uber had arrived I smiled an walked out of the bedroom.

Walking outside I saw the uber an hopped in I gave the driver the address an we got on our way. Arriving I thanked the driver an got out of the uber.

Grabbing my number I walked inside an sat in a chair just playing my phone an watching the screen's. A interviewer came over an I smiled Now I recognise you from somewhere -She said I smiled I'm Niall's wife -I said she squealed Oh my god does he know -She said Nope -I said Wow an what are you singing -She said Slow Hand's it's alway's been one of my favourite song's of his -I said That is so cute -She said Thank you -I said.

A behind the scene's guy came upto me It's your go -He said Ok -I said shaking my hand's to get rid of the nerve's. Walking with him Ok just a interview here -He said.

Ok hi I'm Y/n Horan I'm 29 an from Los angeles california -I said Ooh now I know where I've seen you before -Camera guy said I laughed Yep -I said.

They gave me a microphone an I told them the song I wanted which they smiled at I got the go walking out onto the stage the crowd cheered an I waved.

We should take this back to my place thats what she said right to my face cause I want you bad yeh I want you baby I've been thinking bout it all day an I hope you feel the same way yeh cause I want you bad yeh I want you baby -I sang as Blake turned around he was shocked.

I continued to sing an Niall was next his eye's widened an as I sang he started crying I decided to put a high note in an sang it Niall's eye's widened an smiled admiring me as I only looked at him.

Finishing the song up I breathed as their was four chair's turned around I smiled Why you crying Niall -Chance said Uhm that's my wife -He said "Oh wow lovely to meet you Mrs Horan" -Kelly said I laughed an smiled "Did you know" -Kelly asked Niall Absolutely not -He said.

Well first I just want to say how proud of you I am baby I love you so much your voice is incredible an I think you should come join your hubby -Niall said as I laughed everyone else said their part's.

Uhm as much as I love each an every one of you guy's I'm gonna go with my gut an go with Niall -I said Niall jumped up an cheered he ran to me an picked me up I smiled an hugged him.

He pulled back an kissed me I kissed back You stole my shirt -He said fiddling with the black button shirt I had on Yep -I said You little stealer -He said So Y/n we forgot an intro on you because your man can't control himself -Chance said Oh I k...

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He pulled back an kissed me I kissed back You stole my shirt -He said fiddling with the black button shirt I had on Yep -I said You little stealer -He said So Y/n we forgot an intro on you because your man can't control himself -Chance said Oh I know -I said Niall gave me a look an the crowd laughed.

He pulled back an kissed me I kissed back You stole my shirt -He said fiddling with the black button shirt I had on Yep -I said You little stealer -He said So Y/n we forgot an intro on you because your man can't control himself -Chance said Oh I k...

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Ok I'm Y/n Horan an I'm 29 from Los Angeles an Married to Niall Horan -I said everyone cheered as I laughed Is their a language barrier -Kelly said Uh no not really because my dad's Irish so I understand everything Niall say's -I said "That's Talent" -Blake said.

I left the stage an while I was walking a back stage person came to me "Hey Niall has asked you to stay back so he can go home with you he only has 2 hour's an you can sit in the front row of the crowd" -He said Ok thank you -I said as he walked me to the crowd an I sat down saying hi to my neighbours.

The chair's turned an Niall's eye's caught mine he winked an smiled I laughed an stuck my tongue out at him he laughed.

I put my phone away an continued watching the perfomance's the show was finished for tonight I stood up an Niall walked to me he pulled me over the barricade an we walked off the set.

Making it to his changing room's He hugged me an I smiled I'm so proud of you darling -He sid Thank you Ni I'm proud of you to -I said kissing his cheek Ah wrong place honey -He said I laughed an kissed him he kissed back I love you baby Team Niall to number 1 -He said Yeh -I said.

The End.

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