(angst) Unrequited

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I had been nurturing a crush on Tsukishima for as long as I could remember. We had always gotten along well as classmates and teammates, and I loved his sarcastic yet caring personality.

Lately though, I noticed a change in Tsukishima. He seemed more distant with me, and I often caught him looking intently at our classmate Akari. The way he gave her small smiles and did little favors, it was obvious his feelings had shifted.

It hurt to see them growing closer each day, sharing jokes and whispers I wasn't privy to. I wanted so badly to be the one at Tsukishima's side. I started listening to "Heather" on repeat, relating far too well to its lyrics of unrequited love.

Then came the volleyball game where Akari showed up specially to cheer Tsukishima on. I watched jealously as they laughed together in the front row, so intimate and happy. It felt like a slap in the face after all the signs I had ignored.

Tsukishima played with a fiery passion, as if putting on a show. But not for me - it was all for Akari's admiration. After the game, seeing them walk off closely together broke what was left of my heart.

Now I could only hope my feelings for Tsukishima would fade with time, though each smile and private moment between him and Akari was salt in the wound. All I had were memories of a love that could have been, if only he had ever seen me as more than a friend.

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