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There was nothing you enjoyed more after a long, tiring day than curling up beside your steady moonlight for some well-earned affection.

Kei sensed your exhaustion as soon as you walked in the door, wordlessly pulling you into his lap. Strong arms wound securely around your waist while you leaned into his sturdy chest with a contented sigh.

Gentle fingers began carding through your hair tenderly, working out knots and massaging your scalp. "You did so well today. I'm proud of you," Tsukishima murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

His sweet compliments and ministrations never failed to melt your stress away. You practically purred as Kei lavished praise, nuzzling into his touch like an eager kitten.

When those long fingers migrated to pat your head in just the right rhythm, a pleased squeak escaped your lips. "Good girl," Tsukishima chuckled, continuing his pampering. You went boneless in his hold, soothed by his steady heartbeat.

Basking in Kei's devoted care, all troubles seemed to fade. You loved nothing more than receiving your moonlight's affectionate attention after a long day. It recharged your soul in a way nothing else could.

I made this after exhausting exam🥲

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