(fluff) Period Cramps

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You winced and curled in on yourself, feeling the onset of painful cramps. Tsukishima glanced over, noticing your discomfort.

"Stomachache?" he asked disinterestedly.

You nodded miserably. "Forgot my meds..."

Tsukishima sighed, resigning himself to help. "Let me ask Yamaguchi what might work."

He called casually, as if doing you a minor favor. Yamaguchi's suggestions were met with an "uh-huh" before hanging up.

Returning with a heating pad and water, Tsukishima placed them by you wordlessly. You smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, Tsukki."

He grunted, pulling out his homework but staying nearby. His supportive yet unobtrusive presence helped distract from the pain.

Over time, he learned your subtle pain cues. A heated rice sock or pain reliever would mysteriously arrive before you asked.

His care remained understated, avoiding directcomfort. But you knew the real meaning behind his small gestures - he cared deeply in his own aloof Tsukishima way.

The cramps were growing worse as the afternoon dragged on. You tried focusing on your book but the pain was overwhelming, blurring your vision with tears.

Tsukishima glanced over and froze at the sight of your distress. He'd never seen you like this before.

"O-oi, what's wrong?" he asked, cursing the crack in his normally bored tone.

You could only shake your head, tears flowing freely now. The pain and exhaustion were too much to bear quietly anymore.

Tsukishima panicked, unsure how to handle your weeping. But he knew he had to try soothing you, as that was what partners did.

He gently took your book and pulled your trembling form against his chest. One arm wrapped around your waist while the other stroked your hair comfortingly.

"It's okay, I'm here. You'll feel better soon," he murmured, uncharacteristically tender. His steady breathing and heartbeat helped calm your shuddering sobs.

When your tears subsided, Tsukishima breathed a subtle sigh of relief. He handed you more medicine and water with care.

"Get some rest. I'll stay." His usually sharp gaze had softened with concern. You gave a weak smile, already dozing off in his embrace.

From then on, whenever your period struck, Tsukishima allowed a rare glimpse at his softer side. He remained your steadying rock through any pain or distress, conveying care in his uniquely aloof yet devoted ways.

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